Truts - Discover, Join, Contribute and Earn In Your Web3 Journey

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Avatar for PVMihalache
1 year ago
Topics: Crypto, Web3, Cryptocurrency, DAO, Truts, ...

I am exploring multiple blockchains and ecosystems in my search for top DeFi/Web3 projects. Truts is a discovery platform for communities in web3, where users are invited to discover, contribute and earn.

The Truts Team believe next wave of users in web3 are gonna come through communities, since other ecosystems in web3 like NFT, Defi, gaming are having too much friction. But how can someone know which communities are the best? 

Need help finding communities? Truts has you covered! How do you join them? Engage? Contribute? Can you earn while doing these things? Truts Missions are solving all the above and make it easier to discover and contribute in web3.  

Searching for a top community on Truts is sooooo easy! You can sort them by rating, categories, network chains, followers and many more. Join Truts and help your favorite project get the appreciation it deserves.

I joined my favorite projects, not many, and will explore in-depth over the weekend. If you are a community leader, you should raise the awareness and create a place on Truts for you followers. Creating a community is hustle free, and adding missions for the community members can create a better synergy!

Wait... missions? Yes, Truts implemented a reward system through missions. All users can complete the available missions and earn XP. The common tasks for missions may include joining a social media channel or writing a review.

Every mission will help Truts users evolve, earning XP and getting closer to exciting rewards. However, this is a topic for another day. Have a look at the missions tab, and help Truts acheive their Web3 vision.

Done few quests and went to level 2! I completed only the missions that involved the projects I know, as the whole point is to create a reliable database for Web3 users.

Let's conclude this with a little spoiler .... POKER TOURNAMENT and Humble Tractors NFTs! Stay tuned on the Truts Discord for updates! 

Social Links:

Truts Discord 

Truts Twitter

Truts LinkedIn

Residual Income:

Join OKX 

Join Biswap

Join Binance

Join Upland 


Join Splinterlands!

Hive Blogging - LeoFinance, Peakd, etc

PVMihalache Amazon Books

CakeDeFi $30 DFI for new users

The fountains: PipeFlare ZCash Get.ZEN

Publishing bundle: Publish0x,   readcash,  noisecashLBRY & Presearch

$ 0.15
$ 0.05 from @DrNums
$ 0.05 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Pantera
Sponsors of PVMihalache
Avatar for PVMihalache
1 year ago
Topics: Crypto, Web3, Cryptocurrency, DAO, Truts, ...
