Trilium and Alien Worlds #11 - Legendary Missions

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1 year ago

Commander PVM  from the Terran Battlecruiser Morningstar reporting for duty! My journey started over one year ago, and the ship engines never had time to cool down! The cargo is now full of alien artifacts, while warping through portals to battling rebels. My profile was added in the Federation Hall of Fame, and Maiki the Artist has the credit for interstellar pfp! 

Maiki embarked into a mission on the far side of the galaxy, and will be back with new art ASAP! The fakeliens idea is still alive, and hopefully will end up on the blockchain!

While we expanded the Fakelien Worlds idea, I finally had enough TLM to send my battlecruiser into a legendary mission. I used 5000 Trilium to send my spacecraft to explore a big bad solar flare. It came back in 12 weeks with a bright orange NFT and a big chest of TLM.

Three months are a long time, but is worth it! Nearly 400 TLM and a legendary NFT for the Solar Flare exploration made a good bounty! Trillium is not doing bad, but not doing good either! It's 60% down compared with last year, but 10% up compared to some weeks ago! The chest of $TLM was worth it 4 USD, but hopefully the value will grow in time.

The NFT is nice, shiny and with some good stats. However, no one knows what the base power or boost power will be used for, or what's a crafting key! I can only assume that the NFTs will be used in some crafting experiment for better spacecrafts or rockets. Maybe we will be able to build a Death Star! 

I patiently waited for new legendary missions, and New Start gave me a new opportunity for shiny loot. Brave adventurers are among the first to set up hope on a newly discovered planet, and the mission was to transport 10,000 colonists to their new home!

Took them there, and returned after three months with a golden NFT. The $TLM bounty was 235 tokens, considerably lower than the last legendary quest.

PVM is like the UBER of space, taking colonists to every corner of the galaxy! Completed the New Start mission again, and returned with only 227 TLM! The variable reward is given by the number of ships sent on each mission, and this time more "taxies" were booked.

Legendary missions are not always available, and this time I had to enroll into the Peacekeapers force. Sent 5 ships to battle for justice, and received 102 $TLM and 5 NFTs for the effort. 

But is the game still worth playing? Depends on your spare time and priorities! For me is still cool as the tools I have are decent and one mining takes 55 minutes. I do few mines a day, whenever I remember, and I am happy with the earnings.

It's not only about Trilium, as I am farming Byron's NFTs on Magor 22:1! Byron keeps the land oozing with NFTs, and he always has the coolest blends! MAAAGOOOR 22:1 IS CALLING YOUUUUU!

Alien Worlds is one of the only play2earn games I still play, as the one-click mining keeps it simple. I can mine every hour, and in June I farmed 385 $TLM and a plethora of NFTs. Still have some boosts in there... and still think this game was a lot to deliver! 

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1 year ago
