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2 months ago

Greetings Splinterlands Mages! It's time to try brand new dynamic strategies, fueled by rage and sparks of rebellion. Let's enjoy the Maneuvers ruleset, where all the units with melee attacks gain Reach at the start of the battle!

The Armored Strike ability is considered a melee attack, while the units with Sneak and Opportunity will override Reach.

I was expecting Lost Frequencies this week, after lost legendaries and lost Magic. At least the Manouvers ruleset has some links to the Belgian DJ! He may still come on the stage and play the vynil from behind! Are you with me?

Maneuvers is a good battle-rule for strong melee with no abilities. You can use them in the second position and acheive great results.

Is not that great when you have little mana to make the team, or when the Splinter choice is limited! The Fog Of War battle-rule made all the units lose their Sneaky powers, and the 13 mana was not even enough to select four fabulos units!

Dolfar Darflak: Cheap summoner

Great Porcupine: Ranged with Close Range

Fenmoor Hunt: Melee without Sneak

Wailing Wright: Melee with Armored Strike

The Wailing Wright Armored Strike will give it another melee attack, based on the armor of unit. This was little detail that could change the tides of the battle.

Same summoner, the Fenmoor Hunt but a Chaos Animator instead of melee units. It was powered with spell power by the Moxian Rebel, but no other unit without attack to be boosted! Game On!

The Chaos Animator was down in a blink, and after the opponent's Fenmoor Hunt was able to attack! Similar scenario in my team, with the Wailing Wright joining the fight after the Great Porcupine has fallen!

The Wright had an instant impact, and eliminated the Moxian Rebel. It hit with the Armored Strike first, then used it's Reach to deal the deadly blow! See the full battle here!

Kinda short? That's why I prepared a second battle! Better mana pool, and a nice combo of battle-rules! Manouvers and Up Close & Personal will create the perfect synergy for an overpowered melee fight!

Lobb Lowland: +1 Speend & +1 Gladiator

Quora: Melee/Caster with Heal and Bloodlust

Disintegrator: Melee with Demoralize

Hill Giant: Melee

Mycelic Morphoid: Melee with Thorns

Xenith Monk: Melee with Heal

It may look like a wierd strategy, but the focus was on reducing the enemies damage and let Quora boss the battlefield. Having my speed reduced wasn't an issue.

The Xenith Monk was set on the last position to hold the line, through his heal, and then the Mycelic Morphoid to deal some Thornes damage to those sneaky attackers!

The main focus was to take Djinn Chwala as fast as possible, and Quora was up for the task! The Celestial Harpy was the first to fall, as the Mycelic thornes sliced her wings and feathers!

It took four rounds to take the djinn out, and now the other units were ready to meet Quora's fury! The Twilight Basilisk was her next victim! However, Uriel The Purifier was a harder task!

The paladin had more luck, as Quora and her army started to missfire! Took all the way to round nine for Uriel's demise, and to lead towards the win! See the full battle here!

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2 months ago
