The Drybone Raider Is The Ultimate Strategy - Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge

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Welcome to this week’s Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge! This is the best time to put the spotlight on my insane tactics and to share my favorite strategies with the community.

Calling all Splinterlands brave adventurers! It's finally time to raise your banners and light up the digital realms with the best battle strategies! I will give you some hints along the way but before let me tell you how to become a prolific battle mage!

Focus on your favorite deck, card combination, or unique gameplay tactic. Make it better! Dive deep into your strategy and make it deadly!

Let’s share and learn together—happy battling!

We all have that special team or perfect card combo that helps us secure those clutch victories. Now’s my chance to tell everyone about it! Do you want to see strategy that never fails?

How does it work and what's the chance to be countered? What cards or units are essential? What battle situations does it shine in? What's the worst case scenario?

My best starategy involves a big mana allowance and the Drybone Raider! This unit is as deadly as it could be, and that Double-Strike fits many battle-rules! It goes well with Super Sneaky, Melee Meyhem and excells when Explosive Weaponry is active!

Honestly, if the mana pool is high... this unit fits any scenario! Try it in Close Range duels, when Equal Opportunities is up or even for those battles when everyone gets Thornes!

According to the lore, the Raiders are part of a tribalistic and fractious collective of anarchists led by the llamataur warlord, Eternan Brune. They control the Drybone Badlands in the Wild Northeast of Praetoria and often conduct predatory incursions into neighboring lands, attacking settlements for loot, plunder, and fun.

Drybone Raiders generally armor themselves in primitive furs and leathers, wield all manner of swords and spears, and sometimes ride large, beast-drawn war machines into combat.

They are known to create warpaint from dyes and the bones of their enemies. This unit is god-like! Imagine adding Shatter and Cripple to those potential four attacks!

I prepared more than a trilogy for this Community Engagement Challenge! Four wins are ready to be shared with my folks! Insane battles and Brybone bonanza!

Episode I - Explosive Weaponry And Deady Arrows

This battle ended before it started, and is probably one of the few wins obtained in only one round. Eternan Brune for a battle with Equal Opportunity an Blast, then add over-powered melee units like Chimney Wallstop, the Drybone Raider, or the Tenyii Striker? HELL YEAH!

The mana cap was generous so I went crazy with melee units on steroids. The Equal Opportunity rule was doubled by Explosive Weaponry and all attacks will spread blast damage! Time for the Drybone Raider to shine!

Eternan Brune: -2 Armor to enemies & +1 Gladiator Card

Antoid Platoon: Melee with Shield

Chimney Wallstop: Melee with Bloodlust and Reach

Tenyii Striker: Melee with Sneak

Drybone Raider: Melee/Ranged with Double-Strike

Firecaller: Ranged with Martyr

Scorch Fiend: Melee Decoy

How fast can the Drybone Raider finish the job? One round will be enough! I was facing Tarsa and she's good at boosting melee attacks! My idea was to take off quickly with the Drybone Raider and the four attacks this unit will do each round. All of them will deal blast damage as well, so prepare for explosions and fireworks.

The Scorch Fiend was the first decoy, then the Firecaller will be next on the hit-list, due to his low health. Tarsa's team was strong on melee fighters, with boosted HP and damage.

The Drybone Raider stats got boosted through Martyr, and that blasting attacks will shake the battleground. First attack targeted the Chaos Agent, with blast on the Djinn Apprentice.... same with the second one! The Chaos Agent has fallen and Djinn had the same fate.

The third attack from the Drybone Raider blasted into the Tenyii Striker, and the last one was devastating! It took down Uraeus and blasted into the Radiated Scortcher and the striker! Chimney had the honor to end the battle and had a dose of bloodlust! Have you ever ended a battle so quick? See the full battle here!

Episode II - Poison And Fireworks!

You blinked and missed the win in one round? Let me delight you with this insane brawl, with limited mana and three distrucive rules added in the mix. Only 24 mana available to select a competitive team, and a cataclysmic vibe given by Noxious Fumes, Explosive Weponry and True Aim.

All monsters will hit their targers, deal Blast damage and suffer poisoning ... this is great! My approach was simple... hit more and often! The Drybone Raider was my wild card... and hopefully the one that will bring the victory!

Tarsa: +1 Health & +1 Melee Attack

Venari Marksrat: Ranged with Martyr

Drybone Raider: Melee/Ranged with Double-Strike

Tenyii Striker: Melee with Sneak

Scorch Fiend: Melee decoy

The Venari Marksrat was set in the first position to die quickly and boost the Drybone Raider through Martyr. From here is simple... double strike and blast to create havoc.

I was facing a strong summoner, with a good mix of units. The Forgotten One will not be affected by the noxious fumes... but will he survive long enough to count?

The Venari died fast, as expected, and the Drybone got stronger. The two strikes took care of the Forgotten One's armor and took down the Xenith Archer.

The Tenyii Striker got rid of the opponent's Scorch Fiend, and then the poisonos cloud came! Everyone suffered, some fell and some survived to fight another round.

The Forgotten One was laughing at full health, as the beast was ready to strike deep into the Drybone flesh! That heavy strike left my raider at three health, coughing blood and sweating hard from the poisoning.

I just realised that the legendary Venator Kinjo didn't even had a chance to attack. You know what they say... what goes round comes around! Was time for the Drybone to have his moment of glory... and those two strikes made the difference!

Double-Strike that cut deep into the demonic skin, leaving the Forgotten One with... one health. The blast damage took care of the other units, as the Scavo Chemist and the Lava Spider coudn't handle the heat! See the full battle here!

Episode III - Lava And Close Range

The Drybone Raider is over-powered anyway, but when he will be able to shoot his arrows even from the first position is close to god-like. What about blast damage with every attack? He could wipe half of the population without the Infinity Stones or the "snap"!

Close Range was doubled up with Explosive Weponery in a battle that had 42 mana for team selection. Time to bring on the big guns.

Tarsa: +1 Health & +1 Melee Damage

Living Lava: Melee Tank with Shield

Venari Marksrat: Ranged with Martyr

Drybone Raider: Melee/Ranged with Double Strike

Firecaller: Ranged with Martyr

Djinn Inferni: Caster with Giant-Killer

Antoid Platoon: Melee Tank with Shield

The tactic used for this battle was exceptional, with three ranged units added in the team and two of them with Martyr. Shield in front and shield at the back, and that insane Drybone Raider that will blast the opponents several times per round.

I was battling against Kelya Frendul, and a team focusing on melee damage. Only one ranged in the team, and Djinn Oshannus in the last position. Feels like a bad choice?

Few blasts later and the Venari Marksrat was defeated, but this was the plan! Martyr on the Living Lava and on the Drybone Raider for boosted damage! However, he did only half of his job, missing one of his two ranged attacks.

The Tide Biter was another blast victim, and round two was preparing for amazing events. What happened when I lost the Living Lava? The Drybone Raider came to the rescue and become the ultimate tank.

It got even better when the Venari Spellsmith damage took down the Firecaller, who relesead another Martyr. The Drybone Raider and Djinn Oshannus stats got boosted and the real deal was starting.

Drybone Raider killing spree activated! Arrow one and the Diemonshark was down, then the Deeplurker and the Venari Spellsmith were eliminated through a combo of attacks.

Will the Drybone Raider be able to defeat Djinn Oshannus or this story will lack the happy ending? See the full battle here!

Episode IV - Death And Decay!

Did you played Warcraft? Do you remember the Lich amazing AOE Death And Decay spell? The shadow of death watch us all... and some will earn a ticket to Valhalla from a glorious death on the battleground... while others will bleed out from stings and thorns.

The approach for this glorious battle was the use of weed-killer, spraying the briar patch with all sort of chemicals. The mana pool for the fight was generous, set at 49 for higher monster selection, and the combo of battle-rules made it deadlier.

Super-Sneak and super deadly this time, with all monsters hitting the unit at the back... and with Up To Eleven in the mix. Everyone got boosted with Amplify, and the Magic Reflect, Thorns and Return Fire will do one more damage!

Thaddius Brood: -1 Health & -1 Magic Damage to all enemies

Bone Golem: Melee Tank with Void Armor

Undead Rexx: Overpowered dinosaur

Revealer: Caster with Stun

Possessed Pupper: Melee with Double-Strike

Drybone Raider: Melee/Ranged with Double-Strike

Cursed Windeku: Melee with Thorns

The Cursed Windeku set the briar patch, ready to take on sneaky damage and give thorns back to his attackers. The whole synergy of the team was to hit hard with the double-strikes.

The Undead Rex was unleashed and the Bone Golem would be a hard shell against magical damage. His Void Armor will reduce spells by 50%, on top of the casters penalty given by Thaddius Brood.

I planned the battle well, and Obsidian was no match for my feral team. I never seen a T-Rex so keep on mushrooms, not until my Undead Rexx devoured the Mycelic Slipspawn. The Mycelic Infantry attacked his the Windeku, and received some thorns in return.

The Drybone Raiders are used with the briar patch, as they live in wastelands. My one had the pleasure to destroy the rock-hard Gargoya Devil, but then gone soft on the Regal Peryton. He raider didn't raided at all... missing both his attacks!

I had to watch the Bone Golem miss his attack on the Pelacor Mercenary, the third failed attack I had in one round. No panic... yet!

The number went higher in the second round, with the Possessed Puppet and the Cursed Windeku both failing to damage the Regal Peryton. As a consolation, the Peryton dealt zero damage to the Bone Golem, as his spell power was cursed.

No panic I said? The Undead Rexx opened his jaws and was ready to snap the flying beast... but was to slow. The Peryton moved with lightning speed and avoided the bite!

The Drybone Raider had not one ... not two... but for chances to deliver the killing blow! He landed to attacks and missed the other two... as the Regal Peryton lived to fight another round. Six missed attacks and counting!

Bone Golem Down... Rexx to the rescue! Seven... Eight... as the Possessed Pupped had two knife slices but bot touched the Peryton! Make it nine as the Windeku missed his attack as well!

The Undead Rexx didn't miss this time, but his attack only destroyed that one armor the Mercenary had. The Revealer made sure the Pelacor won't interfere, stunning him with a spell.

The random factor is taking a piss, as this wouldn't be statistically possible. From the four attacks the Drybone Raider had on the Regal Peryton, none hit the target.

If this is how lottery works... that's why I don't play it! More missed attacks added to the tally, two from the Possessed Puppet and one from the Cursed Windeku. I missed already 16 attacks and yes... now was when I started to panic!

The Undead Rexx was still hungry and had the Pelacor Mercenary as a snack, with feathers and weapons as a side. But more panic kicked in as the Drybone missed again... all four attacks!

Give that puppet a biscuit! After 20 missed attacks on the Peryton... the unicorn chicken was finally down!

It was Rexx who finished the job... with a tea time mycelic and biscuits! The Infantry shield was strong but couldn't reduce that bite to make it non-lethal! See the full battle here!

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