SuperUMAns #18 - The SuperFarmers are joining the Harvest Holiday Charity Event

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Walter White said that a man provides for his family. I say that humble farmers and superUMAns will provide for their families and for those in need! My usual visit to the Wishing Tree was done earlier this week, where I left few bags for underprivileged children. Harvest Finance takes helping others to a new level with the Harvest Holiday Charity Event.

Children are some of the most vulnerable population, and this positivity partnership will collaborate with NoKidHungry through TheGivingBlock which accepts crypto donations. Being the father of two young farmers, I know that any parent will go above and beyond for their children. I can only imagine how hard can be for struggling parents when they cannot bring home the "bread" and how horrifying can be for a young soul to go to bed hungry.

As the world was shaken by the pandemic, unity and working together is the key to security and morality. Family is the most important aspect of life and helping others should be a state of mind not an obligation. The Maslow's pyramid of needs shows how the human nature will aim for basic needs before looking esteem, self actualization and self transcendence. It's hearth breaking that children around the world are still to find the comfort given by the physiological and safety aspects at the base of the pyramid.

Last year I dressed as Santa Chad and changed #BreadForThePeople to #JoyForTheChildren by donating, sharing and gifting. You can get inspired by Harvest Finance and the power of Pay It Forward!

Probably you had a flash-back when you read about NoKidHungry and TheGivingBlock, and you have reasons to thing about a "deja-vu. The Charity Chain organized by the SuperUMAns raised 150 UMA for the cause back in September

This time we want to help even more children, and partnership is the key. The perfect formula for helping those less fortunate involves harvest_financeBabylonFinance, the SuperUmansUMAprotocol and you! 

Some of Harvest Finance Yeoman, the Business Development guys, are donating some of what they earned and invited others in the campaign. Lets make a larger impact, and celebrate it with a cool POAP. Post a screenshot of your donation and you will get the POAP code for the amazing timigraphicks creation.

The initial donation was $8300, and harvest_finance not only matched it but contacted friends and partners in the crypto community to join and help make an impact. BabylonFinance stepped in and will match the donation, while UMAprotocol will match what the SuperUmans will raise. 

You can be part of the movement by donating any amount of crypto to No Kid Hungry. This campaign was launched in 2010 by Share Our Strength, a nonprofit organization working to solve problems of hunger and poverty in the United States and around the world. After 25 years of successfully investing in local nonprofits and helping find the best approaches to eradicating poverty and hunger. 

Join Team No Kid Hungry by donating Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) and many more. Donating cryptocurrency directly to a 501c3 nonprofit is more tax efficient than donating fiat.

I am still the same humble farmer, but things have changed a lot since last year. I am now PVM of the SuperUMAns and is with this group of wonderful people that we will try to make a difference. 

I started the uDAO Candy Canes event as a way for holders of small amounts of uDAO and uTVL to contribute to charity. This was open for UMAsters,  SuperUMAns, Recruits and anyone in the UMA Discord who owns any amount of uDAO or uTVL.

I was tipped small fractions of past KPI options leftovers to make a big pot for charity, using the easy and feeless Discord tip bot. This collective effort raised up to date 51 uDAO and 300 uTVL.

Collective efforts are great but must be backed by individual effort, this is why I wanted to have my own contribution and donated some Tezos ($XTZ)


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$ 7.80
$ 7.37 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.20 from @Crackers
$ 0.07 from @Ruffa
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You raised great points to ponder. Farmers are the sources of food. Many countries' governments try to tax more on the farmers. It is just equivalent to killing the food producers of the globe.

And, yes, donations are essential to save many underprivileged citizens. But, I read the news and personally know some NGOs who cheat the donors!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My father is a farmer too, and he feeds us through farming.

$ 0.00
2 years ago