Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets - Aimless Dragons Are Making Havoc

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4 months ago

Greetings Splinterlands Summoners! The classic weekly battle challenge retired to make way for the Battle Mage Secrets series, making it more entertaining. This new set-up adds a focus on dynamic strategies, as players will be able to choose from a greater selection of more diverse units to bring into battle.

Let's enjoy Aimless, with all monsters having the Scattershot ability. The ranged and magic units targeting a random monster, and the Scattershot hitting even the enemies with the Camouflaged ability. No one is safe!

There's chaos when the army is aimless... but is havoc when aimless dragons are joining the fight. How could I embrace better Scattershot than totally ignoring it? I decided to play against the rules and go for a full melee team, and Tarsa on top.

Sounds like a crazy tactic, but usually crazy is good. I had Tarsa to boost an army of dragons, giving them more health and extra attack. To go all-in with this, I went for damage reduction as a top-up strategy. I used both the Molten Ogre and the Disintegrator to reduce the melee attack of my enemies.

Tarsa: +1 Melee & +1 Health

Djinn Chwala: Melee with Thornes 

Larissa Kerato: Caster with Double Strike & Bloodlust

Molten Ogre: Melee with Demoralize

Disintegrator: Melee with Demoralize

Creeping Ooze: Support with Slow

Desert Dragon: Melee with Trample 

The first thing you will say will be... but bro... your units cannot attack? So what!? They have another purpose, as the enemies will hit them randomly. The team was built around Larissa Kerato, covered by beefy tanks. 

She is one of the legends of Splinterlands, he only remaining member of a proud waning race known as the chamens. Her race resemble humans in every way except for pointed ears and curved horns that protrude from their foreheads. 

Larisa costs only 7 mana, and can bring mayhem on the battlefield. She starts with Bloodust and Double Strike, gaining Void, Dispel and Blast when upgraded! The double two magic damage per round and the Bloodlust ability creates a synergy that means power overwhelming! Adding Scattershot to those magic bolts is insane! 

It was a bit surprising when I seen the opponent with a similar tactic. I was expecting caster and rangers but I had to face a beefy team of brawlers, with good all Tarsa supporting them. This was great news, as my team was built as anti-melee hit squad.

The heavy hitters selected by the enemy got their attack boosted by one, only to go down twice from the double demoralize. It was a good choice of team, as the Sand Worm at 6 melee damage would have been overpowered.

Larissa unleashed to spells in random targets, and prepared for her first trophy. The Dessert Dragon was taking the hits from sneaky enemies, while Djinn Chwala was giving Thornes damage to her attackers. The dragons were aimless but ready to create havoc!

While Larissa was still trying to adjust her scattershot, it was Chwala who claimed the first kill. The Goblin Mech hit the Djinn so hard that the Thorns counter was deadly.

The only caster in the enemy's team was a Djinn Apprentice. This only magician managed to aim his scattershot in the only unit with less health, taking care of the Creeping Ooze. No more slow for my opponents, but still an important melee damage reduction. I was still waiting for Larissa to trigger that bloodlust! 

... and this is how the carnage started! Larissa Kerato calibrated her spells and the first magic bolt hit Uraeus, sending the sneaky-sneaky snake into it's grave. The second spell was calibrated as well, hitting Fineas Rage. The fast swordsman was already with critical health after attacking Djinn Chwala, and couldn't handle the hit. 

Larissa stats gone crazy, with a double bloodlust. She went to four magic damage for each attack, and insane speed. It was fair to lose my first unit, as the Desert Dragon was destroyed by another sandy unit. The Sand Worm was full of spice, and raised above the dunes to deliver a deadly blow.

Larrissa unleashed two more bolts, hitting the Sand Worm and the Tenyii Striker. Ninja down and another bloodlust for my adopted dragon gladiator. The revenge was completed by Djinn Chwala, who sliced the Sand Worm in honor of the fallen Desert Dragon companion.  

It was shameful that the mighty Djinn Chwala seen her demise by the hand of an apprentice. However, the Djinn Apprentice didn't leave to tell the story.... after being obliterated by Larissa's spells! See the full battle here! 

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4 months ago
