Sarcasm Sunday #27 - The King's Coronation And The King of Memes

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1 year ago

Millions of people around the world watched the Coronation of King Charles III and Camila, the Queen Consort! The pair travelled from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey, to be crowned in a symbolic ceremony steeped in tradition and pageantry. 

Charles III will be king over the United Kingdom and 14 other Commonwealth realms, while PVM will remain the undisputed meme king on P0x. Not even Old Charlie can take this from me! 

Everything will be about the coronation, and the shops are decorated more than Princess Poppy's Scrapbook! All the news will be about Charles, and not many will care about this Sarcasm Saturday episode! Just joking ... as Crypto Bros want dunk memes not royal stuff! 

That Union Jack dress was something else, even if I prefer the mannequins cloth-less! Got my tea towel souvenir and bought some Coronation muffins! All this makes me feel old, as this will be the 2nd monarch I will be contemporary with! Probably the 3rd one will come soon! 

Speaking about feeling old... Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) had a child! Also this OG meme was updated ... after 17 years! The ladies are still looking ok, but the dude had definitely lost a bit of his hairline. I wonder what "Charlie bit my finger!" does now?

I am getting a bit melancholic with this article... but anyone remembers the mouse that had a cable? What about the mouse with ... the ball? Get that cotton bud moist and start scrubbing! I was there Gandalf ... I was there 3000 years ago!

Looking for ways to join the web3 movement? Truts has gone over 2500 listed communities, and 1200 onboarded contributors. Review your favorite projects, earn XP and win prizes! I won a Crypherock wallet and Umbria Network NFTs! 

Cypherock decentralizes your private keys to give you up to ten times more security, without the need for a seed phrase. The "Private Key Splitting" will cryptographically split the seed phrase into 5 parts., storing each part on the wallet and the 4 cards.

The top 25 XP holders received an Umbrian NFT worth at least 0.06 ETH! The total giveaway worth was $3,200, with the Truts rewards towards community members going above and beyond.

The Umbria Network Narni Bridge allows users to cross-chain liquidity bridge Ethereum and Polygon/AVAX/BSC, migrating assets almost instantly for the low fees.

The Juiced Umbrians are a set of 10,000 NFTs airdropped to exceptional members of the Polygon community, and now given as prizes for Truts exceptional users! When the snapshot was taken I was the leader, and received this two beauties.

Because I was #1 in the leaderboard when the snapshot was taken, I am the proud owner of two Juiced Umbrians, with a 0.15 $ETH value for the pair! It's not late to join the Truts campaign, as more giveaways and prizes are being prepared for the hot summer of 2023. 

Humble Tractors Community on Truts! Humble Tractors is building and Web3 NFT Ecosystem, covering fun gaming, charity and the latest DeFi trends. It's all about the holders and keep them engaged... this is why the Tractors landed on Truts!

The community is live so go join it and review your humble favorite NFT collection! You can earn 1500 XP by leaving a review, follow Humble Tractors on Twitter and join the Blockchain Creators House on Discord! 

I have something for the hardcore OGs and Crypto Bros that supported me from day one.... I have a mission exclusive for Humble Tractors holders! Prove your humbleness and earn 500 extra XP!  Check the collection on Opensea!

If you are not apeing into web3, then I assume you are to busy IRL. Looking for "the other half"? Better get into crypto as the stats are clear: There are 3.9 billion women and only 21,000,000 $BTC! Decide on your priorities, but some $BTC may be helpful when you looking for a girlfriend! 

Time for the boring screen time, with 7 hour and 53 minutes daily average! Shall I count the time I spent reading or watching coronation stuff? Brave, Discord and Twitter as the top three, with Facebook gone for months from there. You wonder what I am doing on Brave? Doing memes and reading crap! Or that's Twitter?

Time well spent is ... time well spent! Playing Splinterlands is a mix or work and pleasure, as it keeps me off crypto for a while but also provides material for writing articles. The play2earn articles are doing well on Hive, with good engagement! 

This is a good combo... Humble Tractors, charity and 1300 published posts on Hive! I love this type of badges... makes me fell nearly royal! Heading towards 1500 days of consecutive posting on blogs and publications! 

Let's talk about goals and resolutions... how's 2023 going? I challenged myself to surf through this year with an attitude of gratitude! My plan was to be at maximal level for 365 days, to be stronger, better, ruthless. I will surf through this year in Beast Mode! 

Completed some of my New Years Resolutions, and then upgraded the things! If you reach your goal... set a bigger goal! As some goals were completed, others where added! I want to meet at least on crypto bro in real life, treat myself with a bottle of Macallan for my birthday and publish at least one non-crypto article per month! 

Are you writing about crypto, blockchain, play2earn and related stuff? The Crypto Kiosk is accepting new writers on Medium!

Crypto Kiosk seeks to promote cryptocurrency and economic freedom. The publication is now open to apply and submit content under these conditions: no plagiarism, no AI-generated content, be a Medium subscriber, follow Medium rules, and write on the topic of cryptocurrency

All going well on Biswap, with new Launchpools and new assets to earn! Green market and power-farming three cryptocurrencies is much better then chocolate eggs! The Biswap spring bonanza had Matic, XRP and FIL as treats, all with amazing APR rates! Unfortunately, the content creator program will end, so no more free $BSW! 

No more prizes... no issue! I will just HODL and farm with my current stash! BSW going over $0.20, then dipping to $0.17! No panic bro! One BSW equals one BSW during summer, autumn, winter, spring and even alien invasions! The Biswap Holder is not shocked as he/she loves Biswap

The start of 2023 was a bit awkward on readcash, as 99% of the users fu*ked off when Rusty stopped the random tips. I never left, and posted daily in the ghost town. The best part of being one of the few? My posts where always trending! 

Fast forward, the title of Rusty's last article changed from "My last tip" to an extra "... or is it?". Rusty was back, and soon after ... the people turned that "publish" button on fire. It was as crowded as Noah's Ark, as the floodgates were open again. 

It's now what it was, as Rusty is not as generous as he was! Even got this $0.00 tip, but I blame Cristiano Ronaldo for that. Rusty may be a Random Rewarder Robot but even he knows that Lionel is the GOAT. 

I may not be royal, but I do king-size articles for writing competitions!  Celebrated BYDFi third anniversary with a monster article, that obviously won a prize! King of P0x writing competitions? 

For me BYDFi was a beacon of light, guiding me trough the worst crypto winter since 2018. I started using this exchange due to the lowest transaction fees and user-friendly mobile app, and started my derivatives journey as a crypto experiment.

Residual Income:

Join OKX 

Join Biswap

Join Binance

Join Upland 


Join Splinterlands!

Hive Blogging - LeoFinance, Peakd, etc

PVMihalache Amazon Books

CakeDeFi $30 DFI for new users

The fountains: PipeFlare ZCashGet.ZEN

Publishing bundle: Publish0x,   readcash,  noisecashLBRY & Presearch

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Avatar for PVMihalache
1 year ago


I watched the King's coronation yesterday.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Was a grandiose event

$ 0.00
1 year ago