NFT Breaking News #5 - Endless Loot Quests and Zombie Cats

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You're crawling down into the darkness in search of shiny loot...

ENDLESS LOOT is an official collection of NFTs minted on the WAX blockchain. The shiny loot consists in NFT gear that is limited to 101 mints.

Was created to fill the nostalgia of old school gamers, the ones who enjoyed a good game of Dungeons and Dragons back in the days! The RPG items are meticulously designed using pixel art technique by Lucas Vicente.

Lucas is a big fan of retro games and pixel games. Read the #MeetTheArtist interview with Lucas Vincente and check @Crackers for more interviews with NFT artists!

The quests and events from Endless Loot are stories that happens around the main character, Lacky - the Goblin Weaponsmith. Quests and Events are announced in the Twitter and Telegram accounts. The Adventurer's  Backpack is required to participate and to be whitelisted for special drops. The backpack is available on ENDLESS LOOT for 1.00 WAX ($0.24)

The "Series 1" was the first loot created. The original set of gear will become desired by dungeon crawlers and many collectors will want them in their armory. There are five unique styles for each type of weapon, armor in "Series 1", with various elements and attributes. As a personal advice, check ENDLESS LOOT for swords, shields, staves, mace, axes or bows before looking at the secondary market. Avoid rip off prices for items that may be still available on direct sale! I just did that while checking the link and bough myself a nice sword, a bow and an axe that can cut through dragon skin!

I got hooked up with ENDLESS LOOT after reading the interview with Lucas and winning the Adventurer's Backpack in the giveaway! Since than, I killed an ugly troll, solved Laky's puzzle and had an eventful evening with plenty of grov rounds! Looking forward to the next adventure!

About Endleas Loot Quests and Events

The quests are announced on Tuesdays and are performed on Wednesdays. The participants must hold the Adventurer's Backpack and complete the form attached on the tweet! The adventures must be online and participate during the quest. This involves answers, teamwork, dice rolls, puzzle solving and fun.

Events are the last part of a series of quests, they are performed bi-weekly on Sundays. To enter the event, the adventurer must fill the google form that will be pinned into the announced and make sure they have the required equipment in the WAX wallet.

If all the requirements are met, new shiny loot will be sent for those participating.

Zombie Cats are lurking on AtomicHub!

🚨 Breaking news 🚨 Byron Zombie Cats are now free to roam around Atomic Hub!

If you bought any packs from the "1st Litter" than you should check your WAX! Adorable but deadly cats should be there waiting for you to play with them, or just to eat your brain!

My zombie cat is not as classy as Byron's work but you can adopt Milky the Devilish Cat if you want! 

PVM's Devilish Cat

I have to show off and share the Devilish Cat with the world! Hand made in pencil, my pet is now available on the blockchain. Don't worry... Milky has both eyes in real life! 


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Amazon author page: PV Mihalache

Quality Faucets: Free-Litecoin , FreeBitcoin & Stakecube

Tier 4 referral system: Horizen (ZEN) & ZCash from PipeFlare GlobalHive


I earn crypto for reading and writing on Publish0x and ReadCash, watching videos on and surfing online on Brave Browser and Presearch. I use Swapzone for the lowest fee swaps

$ 18.12
$ 17.82 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @tired_momma
$ 0.10 from @Crackers
+ 3
Sponsors of PVMihalache
