My whole crypto routine orbits around Publish0x. I generally do all tasks in the morning. I start with reading the new posts on the Publish0x Telegram group and have a little laughter, as most of the times the new posts are just the same old questions. Big respect for Admins and Moderators for always being there to keep the new users updated, even if I personally believe that new user should do their homework and read the tutorial which answers all the basic questions. After spending a couple of minutes on Telegram, I move to faucet claims, getting my CoinGecko candies and the daily ZEN and ZEC click. All the above takes less than ten minutes.
The next step is to read my friends new posts and give the deserved likes and tips. While waiting for the tip counter to expire I start writing my post, unless is ready from the previous night. Writing takes between 30 minutes up to an hour, depending on the research, topic and length of the post. I usually bookmark all things that I want to mention and collate them later, or if I am at work, I will start the post and leave notes in there, to remember what I have to add the next day. Few times I forgot and I published articles with "add Binance screenshot" or "add conclusion". If I find any crypto opportunity, I will add it to the draft so everyone can take advantage of it. Binance Launchpool is still the best source of free tokens and it looks that Alpha Finance is the most solid project currently listed on the platform.
Once the post is ready and posted, I will share it on Telegram, Facebook and Twitter so another minute added to my crypto-routine. I keep publish logged on the mobile so I can answer to comments, now and then, whenever I have few minutes to spare. Whenever one of the people I follow will post something, I will read their post and if I want to mention it in my future posts, I will bookmark it.
Adding everything together, adds up to about an hour of internet surfing and clicking, which is not an exaggerate amount of time. Last week maybe I spent a bit over an hour just because I am doing a 30 days experiment for Read.Cash and LiteBringer, but most likely they will both be discharged from my list.
When I reached 1000 followers I organized a NFT giveaway and some other random prizes. Big thank you to the community and everyone involved. On Read.Cash I am getting closer to 100.
Publish0x shines bright but Read.Cash is gaining ground. This will be a tough duel in 2021.
Links and referrals:
Coinbase Earn - Up to $59 Compound (COMP)
Coinbase Earn - Up to $52 worth of Orchid (OXT)
Coinbase Earn - Up to $50 worth of EOS
Amazon author page: PV Mihalache
Quality Faucets: (LITECOIN)
Tier 4 referral system: Horizen (ZEN) & ZCash from PipeFlare & GlobalHive
FreeCryptos Gang: DASH, TRX, ETH, ADA, BNB, LINK, NEO, BTC & LTC
Coinpot Gang: DASH, BCH, DOGE, LTC, BTC, BTC2, BTC3 & BTC4
I earn crypto for reading and writing on Publish0x and ReadCash, watching videos on and surfing online on Brave Browser and Presearch. I use Swapzone for the lowest fee swaps
Both have their places but I'm beginning to enjoy my time here. The views and potential clicks to my blog are low here, compared to Publish0x but the earnings (though not much by any standard) beat Publish0x hands down so far and I hope it keeps improving as I publish more.