Lions, Kings, Pepes, Crypto Trends and Politics

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1 year ago

There are certain events that will have impact on aspects of life, from International Politics to Global Security. This events will directly affect the Media, Cryptocurrency, Finance, Economics and Business spaces.

King Charles III Coronation took over the news as the Royal Family spent staggering $125 million for the event. Why? Chariots, crowns, a priceless 700-year-old throne, workforce, and lots more!

Millions of people around the world watched the Coronation of King Charles III and Camila, the Queen Consort! The pair travelled from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey, to be crowned in a symbolic ceremony steeped in tradition and pageantry. 

Charles III will be king over the United Kingdom and fourteen other Commonwealth realms, but some criticized the cost of the coronation. The splash of cash was set against the backdrop of an ongoing cost of living living crisis in London.

Everything will be about the coronation, and the shops are decorated more than Princess Poppy's Scrapbook! All the news will be about Charles, but more than half of Britons think the event shouldn't be funded by the Government, as a poll has suggested.

The YouGov survey found 51% of adults questioned believe the ceremony should not be funded by the Government. Almost a third said it should, while around 18% were undecided.

That Union Jack dress was something else, even if I prefer the mannequins cloth-less! Got my tea towel souvenir and bought some Coronation muffins! All this makes me feel old, as this will be the 2nd monarch I will be contemporary with! Probably the 3rd one will come soon! 

King Charles has a reported personal fortune of £1.8 billion, and given the monarch already benefits from not paying inheritance tax, it’s easy to see why so many Britons are unhappy about the spending spree.

Downing Street and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport declined to comment on the cost of the coronation. But .... how the event affected the world?

The UK was already suffering the aftermaths of Brexit, and this financial effort may bring a final nail on the UK economy coffin. The consumer prices starting to show signs of easing but the cost of living is still outrageous.

We had an extra bank-holiday on the 8th of May, and the reduced working hours had an impact on the economic activity. The grocery sales peaked, same as the retail and alcohol, but that counts only if you can effort it.

The British Lion is now black and white, with the living crisis affecting over 80% of the country. People can't afford the bills, to heat the house or to buy food!

The King’s coronation provided a boost to inbound tourists and associated spend, outbound tourism for in-term holidays or city breaks, same with pub, restaurant and leisure activity. However, the common UK citizen would not gain anything!

UK lost the crown when it comes to financial power, as the economic strength of the country went downhill! The UK gross domestic product (GDP) lost his glory, as the British Pound is trying to stay level with the EURO and US Dollar.

The United States are are still smashing the charts, with China trying to close the gap. Japan climbed on the 3rd place, with an economy that runs smoothly, while Germany sits on the 4th place.

But where's the United Kingdom? On the 6th place, behind India! The decline is clear, and it may get even worst!

Did the Coronation affected the cryptocurrency sector? Not saying it did... but the value of crypto started to dive the day after Charles become king! Or maybe we should blame $PEPE for it, as the meme coin broke Ethereum. Degens where trying to get some frog coins, other where dumping their share, while the gwei went mad!

I tried to vote for an UMA dispute, and the gas fee required was $108! Is this how the crypto-world of 2023 should be? Or this happend as a butturfly effect, as Binance listed $FLOKI and $PEPE in the Innovation Zone?

Well... are the $PEPE guys billionaires now? It looks like a coordinated pump & dump to me, as only the insiders took advantage of the 1500% rise in value. The ones that dived into $PEPE after FOMO and social media coverage will get rekt!

Meanwhile, LeoFinance keeps building! The $LEO tokenomics are bringing value to both users and the ecosystem.

You have to join the 10,000 USD worth reward campaign that celebrates the launch of the new Leo Finance website! The Leo team has announced a massive reward campaign with total 10,000$ worth prizes which will be distributed among the users completing the Zealy quests!

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1 year ago
