The story of Athena

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3 years ago


According to myth, Athena was born on the banks of the river Triton. This Triton is a river god. They had one daughter, named Palas. Pallas and Athena played sports together, especially the various martial arts. One day a quarrel broke out between the two girlfriends over a subject and Palas was about to attack Athena. Zeus was watching everything. In this condition of his beloved child he protects Athena with his impenetrable shield. Palas was startled by the suddenness of the incident. Athena took the opportunity to hit and kill Palas. When Pallas dies, Athena realizes what a devastating job she has done. Be deeply remorseful. He made a wooden statue of Pallas and replaced it with his own shield. Zeus then threw it towards the earth, the shield fell on one of the parts of Troy, Athena has been using the shield of Zeus ever since. Only Athena had this right. When Athena uses the word Palas before her own name to commemorate Palas, Athena's full name is Palas Athena.


Athena is said to have invented the flute, the trumpet, the terracotta utensils, the plow, the ladder, the yoke of the bull, the bridle of the horse, the chariot, the vessel. It is also said that Athena taught the girls various techniques, such as cooking, weaving, spinning, etc.

Lydia is a small town in northern Greece. There lived a beautiful woman, Erakoni. The name Arakni spread everywhere not for its beauty, but for its weaving and weaving work. She weaved and sewed so beautifully that she would leave their fountains and sit at Arakni's house until the nymphs saw it.

They would see Arakni collecting fur from its hard condition, and roll from there. Then with his fingernails he would peg it until it was soft and light like a cloud. He used to spin the spinning wheel with skillful hands or weave the design and after weaving the design he used to embellish it with needle-thread. One of the nymphs exclaimed, "Arakni must have learned this from the goddess Athena!"

Erakoni listened, but Erakoni, who had already become arrogant, denied the nymph. He said in an arrogant voice, “If Athena can, let her work like me. "If he beats me, I will take any punishment."

Athena heard this. He was very disappointed. An old woman in disguise came to Arakni's house and told him, "I have a lot of experience and I hope you will listen to my advice. You can compete with any woman in the world for your work, but never with a goddess. Rather, you apologize to Athena for your words. She is very kind and will surely forgive you. "

Erakoni was weaving then. He stopped weaving and looked angrily at the old woman, “Keep your advice to yourself, give it to your daughters if it is too much. I don't need any advice. I am ready to fight for what I say. Even for this I am not afraid of Athena. If he's a big weaver, ask him to compete with me! ”

"He's here," Athena said, removing her disguise. All the nymphs present there immediately knelt down to pay their respects, and the other men and women paid due respect to Athena, the only one standing fearlessly. He was ashamed of this unexpected event, but did not move a hair! Athena did not delay, nor did she give any advice. They both got ready for the competition.

They each took up positions in their respective places and attached weaving threads to the beams. Then they started to take the weaving leaky maku to the inside and outside of the yarn. Everyone started working very quickly and efficiently. Eradicus, Leda with Zeus in her sister-in-law, and the alienation of Europe began to flourish, further exposing the story of the alienation of other gods with mortals. Athena, on the other hand, began to compliment the gods, telling the story of Atika's battle with Poseidon.

When everyone saw Arakni's work, they were stunned. So beautiful It's weird! They thought that even the goddess Athena could not make such a beautiful design. But when they looked at Athena's work, they had nothing more to say. Everyone unanimously ruled that such a beautiful work is never possible for anyone in the world. But Erakoni could not accept this defeat. On the other hand, the god Zeus is insulted in Arakni's work, thinking that Athena is angry and hits Arakni, destroys her knitting machine, the loom, and finally turns Arakni into a spider. . Some say Eracani committed suicide out of desperation. Then Athena revived him and turned him into a spider.


The city of Athens was barely established in Greece at that time. The name of the city was not Athens then. Its first king was Sacropus. Sacrops was a strange kind of king, because he was half human and half snake. He sought a patron god to protect his city. Poseidon and Athena, both gods of the sea, both expressed great interest in being patrons of the city. They were both so anxious that it seemed like a war was about to break out. Finally, Sacrops requested that the two be given as gifts to the inhabitants of the city. The people of the city will worship the one whose gift is most useful for the city, and will make him the patron of the city.

Poseidon and Athena went to Acropolis in public. At first Poseidon came forward. He hit the ground hard with the trident in his hand. A fountain was made from there. The residents of the city were all very surprised. They were very happy. But the problem is elsewhere. They went to check the taste of the shower water and saw that it was salty and unfit for drinking.

Then Athena came forward. His work was not so dramatic! He knelt down and planted something in the ground, and from it grew an olive tree. From this tree they got the source of oil for lighting lamps, they got cooking utensils, they even built houses with the wood of this tree. So the townspeople rejoiced at the gift of Athena, and Sacropsus made Athena their patron, and named the city Athens after the goddess. Since then, Athena has been defending Athens in various ways, which is why Athena helped Athens in the Trojan War.

Poseidon, however, could not easily accept this defeat. He cursed the Athenians, saying water was not easily available in Athens. Since then, there has been a shortage of clean drinking water in Athens.


Hephaestus was the god of blacksmithing. His wife was Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty. Hephaestus once had a quarrel with Aphrodite for some reason. Just then, on a beautiful morning, Athena came to Hephaestus to make some weapons.

Whenever Athena entered Hephaestus' factory, Hephaestus became addicted to Athena. Hephaestus hoped that Athena would give him love in gratitude for making the weapon. But Athena was a virgin and she decided to remain a virgin. So he did not respond to Hephaestus' call. Hephaestus did not want to show any mercy, he wanted to forcefully humiliate Athena. It was not possible for a scuffle, but Hephaestus' semen ejaculated and landed on Athena's thigh.

In a fit of shame and disgust, Athena threw the semen away. But fertile Gaia took this semen and gave birth to a strange baby like half a snake and half a human. The baby was named Ericathonius.

Athena then hid Erichthonius in a basket and appointed two serpents as guards. He sent the basket to Athens, to King Hercus's three daughters, Herse, Pandrosas, and Aglaolaus, and forbade them to open the lid of the basket.

One day he went to another place to fetch a hill to decorate the Acropolis of Athens, but the three sisters disobeyed and opened the lid of the basket. They opened the lid and saw this strange child (although their father Sacrops was also half human, half snake) and ran towards the Acropolis in fear and fell down from the edge of the Acropolis and all three sisters died.

When a white raven bird informs Athena of the news, in a fit of rage, Athena turns the white bird black and throws down the mountain it was carrying for the Acropolis, and it falls in the middle of Athens. This is the most beautiful mountain of the present day, Lycabettas, which is located in the center of the city of Athens.

Some myths that Pandrosas was not among the three sisters when the lid was opened and the other two sisters died. Some speak of crows in place of raven birds.

Erichthonius later became king of Athens with the help of Athena. He worked for the good of the people. According to myth, he was the first to attach a chariot to a horse, plow the land with a plow, and was the first to teach man the use of silver, when silver was more important than gold. (Technically, Erichthonius is said to be the son of Hephaestus and Gaia.)

The giant Typhoid married half a snake, half a woman, Echidne. They had three daughters, known as Gorgon, one of whom was mortal, Medusa. Some say Medusa was not Gorgon at first, she was very beautiful, her parents were Forkis and Kito.

As a myth, Medusa lived far north and never saw the light of day. He asked Athena for permission to come south. But when Athena refuses to allow it, Medusa gets angry and says, "Athena doesn't want to let me come south, because I'm so much prettier than her!" The angry Athena not only took away Medusa's beauty, but transformed her into such an ugly person that any human or animal would turn to stone at the sight of her.

There is another myth that Medusa was so beautiful that many men wanted her. But he worked as a priest in the temple of Athena. Her long golden hair and beauty aroused lust in the mind of the sea god Poseidon. In the end, Medusa and Poseidon had intercourse in the temple of Athena (the gods disliked intercourse inside the temple, it was a crime, but Poseidon himself was a major deity!). It is not known exactly whether Poseidon molested Medusa, or whether Medusai first seduced Poseidon. Whatever she is, Medusa gets pregnant and when Athena finds out about this story, she gets very angry. Medusa turns her hair into a snake, her body into a dragon, and Medusa's face into a stone. Medusa was later killed by the Greek hero Perseus, also with the help of the goddess Athena.

A long time ago, there was a king named Arcisius in Argos, Greece. Acrisius had no sons, only a daughter, Danny. Since Achilles had no other sons, he traveled to Delphi to find out the future. Going there, Acrisius learns that he will not have a son. In addition her daughter Danny will give birth to a son who will kill her (Acrisius). So Acrisius held Danny captive. But who will break the provisions of destiny? In the end, Danny gave birth to a son in the womb of Zeus - he is Perseus. (The story of Perseus' birth will be detailed in the Perseus episode.)

King Acreius captured Danny and Perseus in a huge wooden chest and floated them out to sea. They arrived at an island called Serifos. Many years later, Polydictis, the king of the island, asked the young Perseus to bring Medusa's head. Athena assists Perseus in various ways in this expedition (details will be in the Perseus episode). When Perseus went to the three Gorgon sisters with great difficulty, Athena identified who Medusa was. Athena then gave Perseus the bronze plate used as his bra at this stage, and said, “You will look at this transparent plate when you attack Medusa. You can see him in the middle of it, as seen in the mirror. And that's how you can avoid its terrible power - turning to stone. " It is said that Medusa's severed head was later mounted on the slope of Athena.

While Perseus was killing Medusa, Medusa was carrying Poseidon's child in her womb. So on the way back to Perseus, when a drop of blood from Medusa's head fell into the sea from a wallet (in which Perseus was carrying his head), a Pegasus-winged horse was born.

Bellerophone was the son of King Glacus of Corinth, was handsome and brave.

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3 years ago



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3 years ago

Awesome article dear, as I see you a amazing writer . keep going and also don't forget to back . We can show respect by this .😘

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3 years ago

They would see Arakni collecting fur from its hard condition,Nice article.

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3 years ago