My first day of SUN mining and my dilemmas

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3 years ago

When Justin Sun announced the launch of the new coin I was very sceptical because I was sure it was one more shi*coin which will lose value over time and I didn't even bather do to decent research about it. When mining started I again had a chance to stake some TRX but I decided it would be a better idea to keep them staked on Tron network and receive stable rewards instead of unfreezing everything and risking with some new coin. It turns out my strategy was bad because SUN becomes very popular over just a couple of weeks and now everyone talks about their huge profits...

Weeks passed, Genesus mining was closed and some new pools were open. I was again in the same situation as before. Should I unfroze my Tron and stake them on the SUN network? At this moment TRX started to lose value drastically and I again had one more dilemma: Should I buy Tron?

That was a very difficult day for me but I somehow decided to buy 5000 TRX and right after I bought them price starts increasing and I was in profits for almost 6%. I sell enough TRX to cover initial investment and with some profits, I decided to try some SUN mining.

I pick TRX pool and I deposited my first 200 TRX for testing purposes.

At the moment of my first deposit APY (Anual Percentage Yield) was around 100%. I did the calculation and figured out that I will receive mu first SUNs in just little more than a day. And I was right. In just day and a few hours, I received 0.001 SUN but I was surprised about APY because returns decreased from 100% to 80% in just a couple of hours... When I noticed this I decided to check my Tron staking rewards and BTT staking rewards and I was very pleased when I noticed steadily increase over the past two weeks. For example, my staking rewards on Dlive was almost doubled in just a couple of days: 

And what I did. Instead of completing my original plan - investing in SUN network I bought even more BTT tokens and staked them on Drive. Probably not a very smart decision but since I have only 4000 TRX staked on Tron network and 200 on SUN I was more interested in buying some cheap coin instead of chasing SUN which already has a value around 25 USD or buying more TRX which already bounced back to 0.03 USD. Maybe I made a mistake but since I already play with my profits it doesn't matter much as long as I learn from them.

I probably won't withdraw my initial deposit from SUN network but I expect even further decrease in APY rewards because a lot of users is gonna move their coins there. I'm sure SUN APY will be always higher than TRON because it is new coin but I still can't move all my TRX to SUN network because I need a lot of energy for my staking games which I play on multiple platforms. Maybe if I grab some good opportunity and buy more TRX I will definitely invest more in SUN mining pools but until then I will continue to stake my TRX, BTT and WINK because those coins already made me some very nice profits. If I have a huge amount of TRX I would probably invest at least half of my TRX in SUN pools because right now SUN mining is a goldmine for big and early investors but since I only have 4000 + 200 TRX it doesn't make much difference for me because if I unfreeze TRX and move them to SUN I will lose all profits on paying transaction fees. Even if I unfreeze half of my TRX and move them to SUN I will still make low profits because I won't be able to withdraw and stake in profits from Dilive. I know BTT is almost worthless but when you have a big amount of coins sometimes is profitable to unfreeze them and stake them again or even sell some small amount if price starts increasing. I forgat to mention I also have use for my BTT tokens because I spent some of them practically every week when want to increase my download speed for some torrents. Which mean even if BTT token loose on the value I can still use them for torrents. 

Also, if you are interested in SUN staking freeze at least 1000 TRX for energy because transaction on SUN network requires a lot of that resource. Without enough energy, you will be forced to burn your TRX which is not very profitable, especially if you mine sun with a small number of coins. 

*Right now APY (Anual Percentage Yield) on SUN network is around 79% which mean if you invest 100 TRX today you can expect a yearly profit of 79 TRX. But I'm practically sure this number will decrease in the next couple of months even further and probably realistic APY will be between 40-50%. Also, right now you can deposit and withdraw your coins whenever you want. In this article, I didn't cover liquidity pools which have much higher APY but you should know that those pools also have a much higher risk because if the price of coin/s drastically changes over time you could end up with huge losses. Don't get me wrong, liquidity pools in most cases are good for long term investment but they still have some higher risks compare to classic TRX mining pool. That is the reason why they have higher APY because with high risks almost always yield high rewards. 

Final Conclusion

Right now SUN mining is very profitable and if you have some TRX you should think about moving them to SUN network and start collecting big profits. But don't be greedy and always have at least 100000 of energy in reserve because for SUN transaction you need a lot of energy. And Invest in liquidity pools only if you know what you are doing.

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Written by
3 years ago


Wow what a beautiful post you sent to learn a lot of new things, we thank you very much for sharing such things with your support.

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3 years ago

Thank you. I'm not the big fun of new coins but this time I admitted my initial mistake but still, I didn't invest too much because I didn't want to unbalance my crypto portfolio. Maybe in the next couple of weeks when I invest more in TRON I will make a new better article with detailed instruction about how SUN mining really works.

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3 years ago