Hello everyone this is another one again from @PASTOR001 this wonderful morning and it will take you to the next level if only you can read it carefully. You can do subscription if you have not, the voting and drop ecoraging comments God bless you.
When we look at the word transformer, it should bring us back to the creator and creature who is you and i , the Bible says God created Man in his own image and likeness and as a co-creator, for that reason we sorpose to reflect the image of the invisible God .
Today, who are you if you know that whoever look unto the Lord has hope ,life and peace , then if you be the image of him , when men look at you what do they see in you, are you transforming life possitively or negatively , remember the word of God said you are the light of the world, therefore you must project light for that is who you are , you must know this,
Take a good look at yourself and only you should ask yourself this simple guestion who are my and what are my projecting out to the world or how am I transforming the world, positively or negatively, you need to know everything about yourself, don't let others tell you of your life who you are, you should be able to know .
Be a transformer in life, but the guestion is will you trasform men for good or for evil , please the description is your God bless you for reading.
The sound of the title brought my mind immediately to the movie ' Transformers' 😁. Yes we can be transformers in our society up to our countries and them to the world.