Activating the force of change.

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3 years ago

Good morning everyone this wonderful morning this is your @PASTOR001 with another multiivational aticle for us please don't let it be a waste of time to read this, you will be glad you did.

This world is full of many challenges people are complaining here and there in life but the truth is that only one thing is needed and that is CHANGE the word change is the only way out of every kind of situation weather good or bad, but in every physical there is also spiritual and as we all know that the spiritual controls the physical.

This morning I want us to know the secret behind the power button to that great word change, that power is called FORCE . Force is the only thing or ability man have to make a decision and it is that decision that can bring a change weather good or bad, the Bible says that since the days of John the Baptist the kingdom of God surfareth violence and only the violence taketh it by FORCE. That is why I really want us to look at ACTIVATING the force in this aticle and God will help us understand this clearly in Jesus name.

Do you know that believing in yourself is the strongest force for a change ? In life the first thing a man should do in life is to believe in him or her self,if not even someone else tell you what to do or go about a situation you count still do it, why because of lack of self confidence. Today I want to activate that force of change in your life, there is nothing you see people doing in life that you also love to do, that you cannot do just believe in your self.

You can do it, it is in you, do you know that the latest change in this amazing platform have activated that force of change in them today you see people like us taking time to write more inspiring aticles like this, today I want to assure you that you can do better than you have been doing before stop complaining just do for I know you can.

God bless you and thanks also for taking time to read my article, but please don't forget to.

As you do that may the good Lord bless you and activate that force in you in.

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3 years ago


Yes dear, I'm believing in myself is the strongest force for a change. Yes, I believe it strongly. 🥰

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3 years ago