We all have our stories to tell...
I once took too much vodka at a friend's birthday party. It was during my first year at up the University, and I was excited to be away from.my domineering parents. The exams were around the corner, and I needed a release from the stress that represented.
I still can't remember all I did, but when I woke up the next morning, I lost one of my best friends. According to her I said some terrible things, and by the time I heard what my friends recorded from my drunken statements, I understood that what I said had to perplex her.
More cries from other voices of the bottle...
The woman has lost her children to child protection services. She would be nice to them, but whenever she drank, she became something else. It was scary to see her handle the children the way she did, and it was even more depressing to see her kids' faces as she was being hauled off to prison.
Those kids once had a charming young father, but he died of Liver Cirrhosis due to his alcoholic habits. The same bottle has now destroyed their family completely.
They say with moderation, alcohol can become one's best friend. What friend would do this? Alcohol was no more than a worm that ate into the core of this happy family and turned it rotten!
But some gain from the horror...
The politician looks through the window as the kids are being taken away. He looks away and counts his money. He turns to the pharmacist who says:
"The bottle seems to be destroying them!"
He smiles "Alcohol contributes greatly to our annual revenue. One family is just collateral damage if you ask me!"
"What if everyone dies?" The pharmacist asks with mock concern.
"I don't see why I shouldn't have your support on this. More of them are rushing to you for drugs after destroying their organs with that bottle. I see this as a win-win situation."
"No lies there. Once they are able to recover and salvage their lives from the ashes Alcohol reduced them to, we'll do it all over again"
The voices of the bottle argue back and forth. To some it's an enemy, to others it's an old friend.
This is a freewrite
I've been forced to end this here. My hands ache, and my time is up. I think I've exceeded my limit by a minute. But I went for the all-round perspective on this one, since it's my final entry, and I hope you all see it that way.
Topic: The Effects of Alcohol - Freewriting Contest
Prompts used: Ashes, Perplex, Worm, Release, Support, Charming
Device used: Smartphone, timer on same device used.
Time: Ten Minutes +50 seconds
Start Time: 5:45pm (West African Time GMT+1)
End time: 5:56pm
Corrected with: None
Not translated.
ree writing, it is the free subject where they pay 150 dollars to the good winner without criticism that at least mr. I try.