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Written by
3 years ago

This is based on a prompt by @JonicaBradley. It's one I find very interesting, and I guess it's something personal that will require a lot of ranting from me, so basically, it's my kinda thing.


A definition from the describes success as a favorable or desirable outcome. If my honest opinion was required, I'd describe success as the accomplishment of a set goal, whatever it may be,

Success to me exists in degrees and levels. There is success in school, success in a ball game, success in small games among friends, success in life, and in some cases, either of these categories is not mutually exclusive.

To football (or soccer in North America) players, winning the World Cup Final, a single game, is the same thing as success in life. I guess it just depends on the setting and individual emotions, What some may see as just another win may mean the whole world to others. I guess you could say that success is subjective.

That brings us to the real beginning of this article. If Success is subjective, then what does success mean to me? At what point would I call myself successful? What win would I need to secure to call myself successful?

When I was in high school, I believed success was graduating from college, finding a job, and starting a family of my own. I blame it on the environment I grew up in and what the adults and elders we had to listen to and look up to told us. According to that reason, dropping out of school made one a failure, not having good scores at school made one susceptible to failure, if not being one already.

This blueprint, this template was so rigid that it drilled in us the sense that school was everything. Do I blame my parents' generation? Nope. They were giving us survival skills based on their knowledge of the 3rd world country we were born in. N=Not a lot of people made it in music, football, or business then - sure some people did, but many more failed.

A blue/white-collar job in a cubicle behind a desktop was one of the best ways to succeed and secure a future. Education was an expensive rocket that propelled us to the upper-middle-class lifestyle.

Bit as soon as I entered college and started being independent and responsible for my living in some aspects, I realized that this pattern was very much outdated. People were making millions online from the comfort of their homes, With the cryptocurrency boom of 2017, it became less expensive to enter music and it paid more to be a musician... these are just a few examples of the changes that made me discard the programming that my parents had given me.

Education is the key... or so they said. Apparently, the lock had been changed.

It all came crashing down when I saw how medical doctors were being treated in the country.l Salaries were not being paid, strikes every now and then. the removal of the monthly salary/allowance for resident doctors and so on... Medicine was not the course I thought it out to be.

And then as we resumed school after the pandemic, II realized that I actually had no passion for medicine. It was a combination of my skills at the time of application for college plus my consideration of the economic situation that made me choose Medicine.

I originally wanted to be an artist, specifically the creator of a popular comic. And then my comic would get an anime adaptation, you know, that kind of thing. Drawing had always been my hobby and a skill I possessed. But then, hobbies don't really put food on the table in a place like this.

I was good at Biology, and I was interested in the human body, so Medicine looked like the most profitable career choice for my academic strengths.

As of now, I just want to get the degree, drop it and go into drawing full time.

Success to me would be finally publishing my comic on Webtoon. To achieve the popularity required for me to monetize the series and actually earn a living from drawing that would be comparable to what I stood to gain as a doctor. Whether or not I get featured on Webtoon, I'd be happy with the first two I mentioned.

And finally, If my comic got an anime adaptation or just any adaptation, making it a franchise that involves more than one media, I'd call that complete success. Success tailored towards my tastes, my likes, and my interests.

While the task is a herculean one, and things don't always go how we want them to, I'm not allowing myself to get discouraged or losing focus. The goals can be attained, and I'll be patient and take things in my stride until I get there.

Dreams do come true,


Like I said earlier, this article was fueled with a lot of sentiment from my personal experience and my point of view. As usual, I am very much interested in your own personal experiences and your definition of success.

To use this prompt, the rules are simple.

  1. Join the Promptly Jonica community here

  2. Write anything about success

  3. Write 100% original content

  4. Submit your article to PromptlyJonica

  5. Have fun!

  6. Tag @JonicaBradleya

I hope this was an interesting read. Feel free to leave a like and leave feedback please, I'd appreciate it.

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$ 5.26 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.50 from @JonicaBradley
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Avatar for Ozzyy
Written by
3 years ago


Success is an effort of life. It is the consolidated result of what you have been doing in the past years of your work, it takes dedication and a steel heart to achieve. It is a do or die game.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Success is so subjective. Some days I consider it a success to even get out of and stay out of bed. Depression is a bitch. Some days I consider it a success that I drank very little or no alcohol. Some days it's getting chores done, some days success is painting or writing or spending time with my animals.

The days when I find my cheeks hurting because I've been smiling a lot are the most successful days.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for the upvote , and for the comment. I agree 100%.

I consider any small wins to be successful. Your list paragraph was a really nice saying, it needs to be framed so I can remember it anytime things seem to be going south

$ 0.00
3 years ago