Meeting Her Parents

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2 years ago
Topics: Lifestyle, Story, Book, Death, Short Story, ...

I was first caught off guard when I looked at the book the skeleton was suppose to read. It was How to Die: A Book About Being Alive by Ray Robertson. The irony of it just made a small chuckle come out of my now drier then dry mouth. A book about living while you are alive. I wonder who planned this. Who set this up?

That wasn’t the weirdest thing in the crypt. Oh no, it just happened to be at the fire place was lit and looks like it had been going for hours now. I couldn’t help but feel this isn’t normal. I mean nothing about this relationship has been normal. Just as I was staring in to the bright burning embers of the fire trying to wrap my mind around what is going on. I heard a noise. It was as if some one was walking down the stone steps.

“Is someone here?” I asked my girlfriend Elvira. She looked at me like she did not know what was going on. I felt a slight rush of adrenaline go through my body. I ran over to her and found a place to hide.

“Elvira! Honey where are you? You told me to meet you here.” The voice was high pitched and almost sound like David Spade. It was the nasal sound that really got me. My heart was racing even harder now that my girlfriend's name out of his mouth.

I looked over at Elvira. With a whisper I asked her “Do you know him?” I felt her eyes burning deep into my soul. The sense of panic had elevated in my body. I could tell that it was the fight or flight. I thought I was going to have to fight. I am not much of a fighter but my life is at stack. I am not going to let anything happen to us.

Just then Elvira stood up and look the person dead in his eyes. “DAD!!” she yelled and started to run to him. I had to pick up my chin off the cold rumble of the ground. I sat there for a second just trying to calm myself. I could not believe the word that had just come out of her mouth. Like if your dad is alive why did you bring me to a cemetery. Why could we not have met at like an Applebees or even some crappy 1 star restaurant restaurant.

“Elvira, why did you want to meet here? You know we aren’t supposed to come here during the day. We could have been caught or someone could have seen you. Things these days nobody would take then time to understand what we are or why we do what we do.” he had some kind of concern in his voice. I could not help but wonder what they were keeping from me. Who are they?What are they?

“Dad, I understand I just put all of us at risk but understand I am doing this to breakdown walls and show someone who I really am. To show someone I care about that I am serious. Now that I think I scared him away I don’t think he will accept me as I am.” I could feel that in my soul. I felt the ping of sadness that was just so sharp it made my heart burst and I just wanted to cry. It wasn’t just that it was also the fact that she was willing to put everything at risk to show me how much I meant to her.

I sat on that cold hard ground trying to breath. Between the sound of my breath and the crackling of the fire my mind was starting to calm down. It wasn’t until I heard her voice calling my name that I was pulled out of this reverie.

I felt that this meeting her father was more then just that. We had been dating for over two years. Every time I asked her about her family she would make up some lie. We both knew she was lying but I did not want to push the subject. She would tell me when she was ready. She and I have had a rough patch lately. We both wanted more from each other. I wanted more commitment and I wanted marriage but I could not marry her with out know her parents.

“Damien, you can stand up now.” Elvira said. I heard her foot steps coming closer to me. I was scared to stand up to. To face this person I have known for so long. I don’t want my feelings towards her to change. I would do anything for her. Just then I could feel movement in my body. I was about to stand up. To face her father and try not to shit my pants at the same time.

Elvira came over to me when I was on my knees. She grabbed my elbow and helped me up. She looked me dead in the eyes and some how I felt even more calm then before. This wasn’t the first time I had felt at peace looking in to her eye. A couple years back my grandmother had passed and I did not come out of our room for a week. She came in on the sixth day I was in there and she just looked me in the eye and told me that I would be okay. For the first time in that week had I actually felt that things would be okay and that I would get through this. I don’t know how she did it but she always made me feel at peace.

“Dad, this is my boyfriend Damien. We have been together for two years now, and I think it's time he knows. He will be okay I know it.” She leaned closer to her father and she said in a more forceful tone, “I feel it." She said while looking him deep in the eyes.

He took a couple steps back and I was slightly in shock. What was she saying like why was he so taken back at what she just said. This man who stood about a solid six foot five with muscles for days. Why was he so shocked to hear his daughter was in love with a stick. I mean; I am about six foot two and not that big. Why then was he so taken back at this?

“Elvira you imprinted with him?” His voice got even higher at the word imprinted. I was just as confused as he was. I don’t know what he means. I looked at her and her face was a dead give away. She looked at him like her secret was out of the bag. There were still so many questions I had.

“Excuse me? I have so many questions, but what is imprinting? Like I am not going to die am I?” I looked back and fourth between them.

“Damien, sweetheart you are fine. Let me put it like this. I’m a vampire and when I say imprinted it means you are my mate.” she looked at me dead in the eyes. Even when she looked in them I fainted.



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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Lifestyle, Story, Book, Death, Short Story, ...
