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3 years ago

How do you answer a five-year-old child that asks why his mother sleeps and never wakes up: why she was put in the ground? How can you explain the concept of death; and do you have the heart to tell that child that he will never see his mother again?

How do you tell a young teenager not to commit suicide when she has been chased away from her home for being pregnant? How can you tell her about the love and forgiving nature of a God she cannot see when she can't even experience that from her own parents?

How can you tell a child who lost his family to war to embrace peace? What do you say to him that prevents him from picking a suicide vest almost heavier than him and marching off to the field, his mind twisted with the notion that all is war, and war is all?

How do you convince the youth to abandon prostitution, fraud, online scams, robbery, smuggling, and other vices when the government has abandoned them? How do you tell them to give all these up when they are no jobs, with relatives at their necks, taking from them their little earnings?

There are some questions You and I cannot answer. Questions that even if Politics, Parenthood, and Religion could answer, they have not. The world needs healing, we all need healing.

But how can I say this, when I have no solution?

$ 0.02
$ 0.01 from @wakeupkitty
$ 0.01 from @TheRandomRewarder
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I think there are questions that can be answered. A five-year-old can be told his mother is dead, a teenager who wants to commit suicide because of pregnancy can be helped as well even if parents abandon her. Many have a terrible start, childhood but they do not steal, rape, scam or wear a bomb vest. Those things you do because someone showed you how to do it or told you too.

Besides norms and values, people have their own norms and values too together with a strong will and character. Some people are born fighters, others born losers. It's easy to blame the circumstances, the government but the only one you can blame is yourself.

Greetings of that once 15-year-old who left everything behind and was abandoned by parents and family.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A motivational story! In the end, you've proved it's really all about choices, not circumstances.

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3 years ago
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3 years ago
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3 years ago