Sylvester junior lost his life at Dowen college.

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Avatar for OwinEdore
2 years ago
Topics: Experiences

The parents of Sylvester, that adorable kid, played major role in his final death. First, 1000 red flags flapped but they refused to notice.

The boy, from his mother’s own account let up - pleading to have his school changed - albeit after long bottling up. But rather than take it seriously and broach the boy’s concern with his father, she swept it under.

When eventually, they got to Lagos on the invitation of the school authority, they drove him from there by Road to Warri, instead of, as a matter of urgency, take him to the nearest hospital and leave him there to fully recover! That obtuse decision I learn, is in difference to the GO of God’s Grace Ministry order to members never to seek medical attention from any source other than revert to him to lay a hand!

When they got to Warri, they followed the dictates of their ‘father’ and invited the Church’s ‘doctor’ home to look after the child! Again, instead of take him to a proper hospital where experts abound.

Now, first of, which parent would not NOTICE the change in their ward’s general mien and physical appearance after sending them out for a few days let alone, many school terms and counting?! Which parent would not interrogate and investigate these changes and instead assume, then rationalize it away?!

No one should get me wrong here. Dowen, as an institution needs to be thoroughly subjected to the law. But at the stage the attention of the parents were drawn, the story would have been different if they were not beguiled - and moronically so!

Time the responsible authorities, looked at these Churches and the influence they exert on boobish members. These heads of Churches have no strand of spiritual powers yet, they ‘hypnotize’ members into relying on them for ALL ailments and sicknesses - even cancers!

After consuming the story of Sylvester, I lost feeling in every sinew of my body; it will take time for me to be the same again. I feel like the boy was my own!

Parents should not just throw their money and wealth around on their wards. They should be physically observant and take part responsibly in their wellbeing. I dare say Sylvester did not get that from his parents; especially his mother to whom he opened up shortly before being parceled back to Dowen after holidays.

That boy should not have returned to that school premises with all the tell-tales which unforeseen, the parents failed to pick up or take seriously!

If I stand in front of the parents of Sylvester right now, the first thing I will do is thoroughly dress them down. I may then say, ‘I am sorry for your loss.’ Yet, it was not their loss; it is the loss of every single Nigerian parent!

Parents always create time to ask your children about what they are passing through in school.

Thanks for reading.

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Avatar for OwinEdore
2 years ago
Topics: Experiences
