CHANGE Your LIFE! (Where to Start)

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3 years ago

I am embarking on a journey to change my life, this is an invitation for you to come along.

A) Take it

B) Leave

So what is it gonna be?...




Welcome to Phase One: The Beginning

Heres my story.

December 31, 2019.

I just want to go home or go back to what felt like home. I want out of this, I want something, to be a different person, have a different life. He still hasn't texted me back, I told him I missed him he replied with "gn"

At that point I knew I had letten my life go. I lost myself so much that I was sitting around all day waiting for my boyfriend to text me back, overthinking, did he like me? Did he find someone else? Is he losing interest in me?...
I lost the ability to make decisions for myself, I used to be the person who stuck with her passion no matter what letting it guide her to success no matter what others said, now I let everyone else dictate me what to do, ending up with a research topic I have to stick with for whole year that I can't stand, a university major I know I will not feel happy studying for, going to a university in a country I never wanted to study in, and giving up on my dreams...

I lost belief in myself, my spark that lit fires of success around me, and friendships

The first step to changing your life is recognizing that change needs to be made. The second step is...

Finding what exactly you want to change. Get clear of who you want to become and what type of life you want to live. So I took a journal and drew "me now vs me in the future". I divided what I wanted to accomplish this year in three categories: Personality, Habits, Goals. What I came out with is the following:

I like how I look, so there's nothing looks wise I want to change, I realized that because both "me"s looked exactly the same. However, I wrote down a solid list of what I wanted to change habits and personality-wise.


  • Make decisions for myself, follow my dreams, F*** what everyone else says. Follow your heart you don't need a quarter-life crisis when you're 25.

  • Get a group of friends who will uplift me and appreciate me. Make friends easily become social again.

  • Have the best grades BUT... Don't lose sight of what really matters. School is not everything, seek out internships, opportunities outside school, send your work to magazines, find a way to participate in a cause you're passionate about, produce things with your creativity (articles, a book, songs, videos, or art) and put it out there.

  • Respect yourself enough to drop toxic relationships.

  • Take things easier.

  • 11:11 Believe again!


  • Get defined abbs, eat healthily, and start waking up early again.

  • Meditate regularly again.

  • Read one self-development book every two months.

  • Develop a morning routine.


  • learn to play guitar (acoustic and electric).

  • Write a song.

  • Reach 20K on WHI.

  • Publish a book.

  • Visit the Maldives.

  • Start a Youtube channel.

  • Write in a Magazine.

So this is where the journey to change your life begins. First, you recognize that you need to change, second, you recognize what you want to change. The third step will come in the next article on January 7th which will be all about how to actually stick to new year resolutions and go through with changing your life.

Don't forget to subscribe and check back in if you're interested. With that, good luck you guys, and see you in a day.

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3 years ago
