Gayatri Mantra

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3 years ago

In many places in traditional Hindu literature, the Gayatri Mantra pops up, so I have also caught my head on it several times, such as Srimad Bhagavatam, among the songs of the Ramayana, and in the Mahabharata.

In these stories, a fallen man, a yogi, rishi chanted this prayer as many times and in depth, because it is believed that he who sings regularly and in faith strengthens his soul with the mantra , frees his body from diseases, all his troubles and worries from his life. he repels and that man gains the grace of the gods.

Based on my readings, everyone has succeeded so far :)

Gayatri , also known as Savitri (Savitar prayer), is one of the most ancient prayer formulas (mantras).

Anthem to the Sun who sustains life on Earth; at the same time he prays for the enlightenment of all sentient beings.

It is included in the Hindu Rig-Veda, which is the oldest of the four Vedas; it gives a systematic explanation of existence, creation, and the development of consciousness.

To Savitar (her name means ‘Sunbeam’), she speaks to the goddess of Brightness and Light, who, as the daughter of the Sun, as the dawn, dispels the darkness of ignorance and lights the lamp of True Knowledge.

As the companion of the god Brahma, the Creator represents the female qualities

  • He is the river from the Source (Sarasvati), the easily flowing energy, life force, fluidity, speech.

  • He is the personification of the first rays of the sun in the morning, which dispel the darkness of the night, so that he brings wisdom, knowledge, teaching, science into the world.

  • The playful aspect of creation; creativity, art (music, dance, fine arts).


  • Savitrins have five faces in which the divine trinity appears (Trimurti, i.e. Brahma, Visnu and Siva)

  • Its five heads also symbolize the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, ether) as well as the five koshas or envelopes that cover our original Self (physical body / material envelope, vital body / life envelope, psychological body / emotional envelope). -, intellectual envelope, intellectual body / cognition envelope, saved body / perfect happiness envelope).

  • In his hands he holds the lotus of fortune and success / wealth, a stick, a harpoon, a rope, a bowl of holy water, a bottle of ambrosia, a chakra wheel, he gives a blessing with his first two hands.

  • Hindu gods often have a symbolic "back animal, their vehicle," Savitri, the lotus, which is a symbol of joy and enlightenment.

The Sanskrit text of the mantra

Om bhur bhuva svaha

Tat savitur varenyam

Bhargo devasya dhimahi

Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat

It can be translated into English in some way

Oh, Oh Earth, Air and Heaven!

Let us gain the light of Savitar,

and it will awaken our memory!

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