Bermuda Triangle: God's Trap Door to Eternity

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3 years ago
Topics: Mysterious, History

The Bermuda Triangle (also known as the Devil's Triangle) is a place where ships and planes mysteriously disappear. The vertices of the triangle are located in Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico. Each side is about 1,600 km.

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The term was first used by writer Vincent Gaddis in Argosy magazine in 1964. However, the expression Bermuda Triangle became internationally popular by Berlitz. After his book The Bermuda Triangle, published in 1974, it became a well-known and avoided place. The book also contains information about the lost city of Atlantis. After this book, various hypotheses were made about Atlantis and Bermuda. One of them says that Atlantis is under water in that area. The reason for the sinking or disappearance of ships and planes is "crystal energy" in Atlantis. More utopian approaches say that there are bases of other planets. According to them, the aliens were able to get there thanks to a crack in our planet from another part of the universe. Of course, this is the hypothesis that has the least share of reality.

In contrast, some estimates suggest that this phenomenon is caused by various forces of nature. For example, flammable methane gas, which is known to be present in large quantities under the sea, can destroy fronts, ships and aircraft, and possibly methane bubbles. or it burns with an electric spark and sinks them without a trace. There are several logical problems with this hypothesis. One of them is that methane already exists naturally around us, and we have never encountered such a devastating event.

Missing Facts

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Some scientists also cite the swell-and-pull process as the main cause of these events. Or there may be geomagnetic disturbances that prevent pilots from finding their way, but pilots can fly without an electronic navigator. This hypothesis does not explain the disappearance of ships.

Before accepting all these statements, a person who is able to doubt must ask such a question. Is there really a mystery that needs to be revealed?

A journalist named Larry Kusche asked this question and came up with a surprising answer. In fact, there was no such secret in the Bermuda Triangle. Larry researched these events over and over again, and in the end it turned out that they were either misrepresented or fabricated.

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In the Bermuda Triangle Mystery-Solved, Kusche writes that very few writers do research before writing about it, and that some writers take this information from previous writers and books and add it to their writing. Unfortunately, Berlitz also made this mistake. His books and writings on natural phenomena were full of such errors. Even the concept of the Bermuda Triangle came about because of Charles Berlitz's mistakes. Kusche later added that Berlitz's research was wrong. If it claims to be, you need to know for sure that the ship is actually a different color.

Sometimes no information is found about the "allegedly missing" ships and planes. That is, all of them did not exist anywhere but in the imagination of these writers. In other cases, Berlitz and others did not mention the sinking of ships as a result of severe storms. sunk beyond the triangle.

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It should even be noted that the area where the Bermuda Triangle is located is a frequent area for passenger and cargo ships. As ships pass between Europe and North America, such incidents should occur frequently, but no recent incidents.

Although the lie of the Bermuda Triangle has been exposed for decades, it is still presented in new books as an "unsolved mystery." There is no need to resort to geomagnetic disturbances, tidal waves, and so on. The Bermuda Triangle has only one secret.

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3 years ago
Topics: Mysterious, History


I heard for Bermuda Triangle and how ships and plans disappearing there.Now,if they were misrepresented or fabricated,I do not know.Actually,now I am confused.

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3 years ago