Making a good first impression is very important, though It all depends on the individual. Some might want to make a good impression when seeing a person for the first time while some will just feel reluctant to even make a good impression, though first impression is impossible or not enough to reveal one's character, but it's advisable to always creat a good first impression.
How to create a good first impression.
There are many ways in which you can create a good first impression which many of us already know.
Be on time
If you are meeting someone for the first time you have to be punctual, try as much as possible to arrive at the event earlier to avoid unnecessary excuses. Coming to the venue at the appropriate time will make the person think highly of you and this will bring more respect and honor to you.
Present yourself appropriately
Presenting yourself doesn't only mean the way you talk but also your physical appearance. Like they say "dress the way you want to be addressed". So always try to dress properly, you have to know the dress code depending on the kind of meeting or occasion.
Be yourself
Making a good first impression doesn't mean you have to pretend to be like someone else or trying to pretend to fit in, all you need to do is just be yourself. being yourself will make you more confident which will make people to trust and respect you.
Be aware of your body language.
When you are meeting someone for the first time, it is normal to be nervous but you don't want your anxiety to show. You should be comfortable and confident. Walk with your chest held high, even if this isn't your natural way of being, you can assume simple poses will increase your confidence.
Always plan ahead by preparing talking points to get across during your meeting, gather feedback from friends and ask questions because the better you make them feel, the more likely they are to have a positive impression about you.
There are many other ways to create a good first impression such as being positive, paying attention while in the meeting, trying not to be distracted by anyone. We have just few seconds or few minutes to create a good first impression and it's almost impossible to change it once it happens.