There is no niqab in Islam !?

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3 years ago

There is no niqab in Islam !?

Even in the age of color, the sisters who are protecting themselves and going to educational institutions wearing proper hijab are suffering and being humiliated due to a couple of Islamophobes. But the current situation has taken a different turn. Now that those caliphs have realized that banning the hijab in an institution in a country of 8% Muslims will no longer be an advantage, they took a slightly different approach. And that is to wear hijab - no problem, but niqab cannot be worn. They thought that now at the rate at which the foolish girls who do not understand the full religion wear red and blue bandages in the name of hijab and dress up with the lipstick, there is no problem even if they have hijab. But those who are still clinging to the religion and wearing the niqab to complete their worship on the screen cannot sleep. So, ban the niqab. Moreover, there is the opinion of a group of ulama.


At first it was said that hijab is enough, what else is needed for niqab? Then it came slowly, there is no provision of niqab in Islam! Allahu Akbar! As a result, we have seen the banning of the niqab in a number of educational institutions, including IUBAT. And maybe many educational institutions are standing in this queue.


An important point that may be overlooked here is that human devils, like the jinn devil, have a slow approach to work without hustle and bustle. Satan, like Barsisa, could not be directly implicated in the crime of adultery and polytheism, but in a long-term effort, he was involved in the above heinous crimes; In the same way, the human devils did not raise the tune except for the veil. But they are moving slowly. At first they attacked Nikab. At first it is said that there is a veil without a niqab. Then he says, since there is a veil without a niqab, the niqab cannot be worn if I want to stay in my institution. There is no problem in wearing hijab like this; I am no longer anti-Islamic that I will ban the hijab! Then maybe one day it will be said that on such and such a day everyone has to wear sari - etc.


Moreover, after a few days, the niqab is 'banned' in one kafir country and a group of people start saying 'there is no niqab in Islam', just a culture etc.


With such circumstances in mind, I became interested in studying the rules of the niqab in Islam, since all tribulations began here. Then what I know Subhanallah! From the documents of the niqab to the ulama who give the fatwa that there is a veil without the niqab, there is also a proper refutation of the documents. In other words, I have come to know that there is no veil in Islam without niqab.


In the next few paragraphs I will mention some notable documents InshaAllah. In my opinion, everyone should have at least a general idea about this. Tanahale huthat someone may personally attack you or a niqabi sister in front of you and say, ‘There is no niqab in Islam’ and then due to ignorance you will be forced to accept. And then, as the level of attack gradually increases, painful events like unveiling can happen. We don't want any of our mothers, sisters, wives or daughters to be victims of such a situation. So, while these incidents are on a personal level, we have to put an end to them with strong documents of the niqab, InshaAllah. And Allah is with the believers.


Notable documents of niqab:


The first document


The verses of Allah, the Lord of the worlds,

يأيہا ٱلنبى قل لأزوٲجك وبناتك ونسآء ٱلمؤمنين يدنين عليہن من جلبيبهن ذٲلك أدنى أن يعرفن فلا يؤذين وكان ٱلله غفورا رحيما (59)

“O Prophet! Say to your wives and the wives of the believers, "Let them draw their cloaks over themselves." That's the decent thing to do, and it should end there. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful. "

[Surah Al-Ahzab: 59]

This verse mentions the words of all women. Other Muslim women, including the pious wives of the Prophet, also fall under this rule. This verse clearly states that it is important for Muslim women to wear veils. They have also been ordered to hide their beauty from other men.


The second document


Two hadiths and explanations:

حدثنا أحمد بن يونس, حدثنا زهير, حدثنا موسى بن عقبة, عن سالم بن عبد الله, عن أبيه رضى الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال "من جر ثوبه خيلاء لم ينظر الله إليه يوم القيامة"

"Whoever is arrogant will drag his clothes to the ground, Allah will not look at him on the Day of Resurrection ...."

[Sahih Bukhari 574, Sahih Muslim 2065]


The provisions of this hadith apply only to men, not to women, as is proved by another sahih hadith -

أخبرنا نوح بن حبيب, قال حدثنا عبد الرزاق, قال حدثنا معمر, عن أيوب, عن نافع, عن ابن عمر, قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم "من جر ثوبه من الخيلاء لم ينظر الله إليه". قالت أم سلمة يا رسول الله فكيف تصنع النساء بذيولهن قال "ترخينه شبرا". قالت إذا تنكشف أقدامهن. قال "ترخينه ذراعا لا تزدن عليه"

It is narrated on the authority of Ibn 'Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

‘Allah will not look at him (in the sight of mercy) on the Day of Resurrection who is proudly tearing his clothes.’ Umm Salamah said, ‘Then what will the women do to them? The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Hang it for a while."

Umm Salamah said, "Even then their feet will be exposed." Then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Then hang one hand, not more than that."

[Sunan Nasai 5337, Sahih]


This hadith is a document that it is obligatory to cover the feet of women. And it was clear and known to the female disciples. The beauty of Ardu's feet is nothing compared to the beauty of the whole face and hands!


Because, it is undeniable that the real beauty of a person is reflected in the face. Therefore, the niqab of the face is also obligatory for a long time. And it is clear from the following documents that it was prevalent during the time of the Companions.


The third document


وَلَا تَنْتَقِبِ الْمَرْأَةُ الْمُحْرِمَةُ وَلاَ تَلْبَسِ الْقُفَّازَيْنِ

"Muhrima (woman who is in ihram) should not wear niqab and gloves."

[Sahih Bukhari 1838; Sunan Abu Dawood 1625, 1827; Sunan Nasai 261 etc.]

This hadith proves that the women of that era of the Prophet, i.e. the Companions, used to wear both niqab and gloves in general. And that is why it is especially forbidden in the state of Ihram! If the Companions had worn the niqab and no gloves, there would not have been such a special instruction for the state of Ihram.


Besides, the wisdom of Shari'ah is to lighten the provisions in small or light fitna and to make it difficult in case of serious fitna. To do the opposite would be to create a conflict between the wisdom of Allah and the Shari'ah. Some people say that there is no problem in wearing the niqab if there is more fitnah and removing the niqab when there is less fitnah. Then in that era of the Prophet himself, the Umm al-Mu'minin and the Companions used to wear the niqab thinking of fitnah, and in our era, whether fitnah became less! Subhan-Allah!


The fourth document


Narrated from Mughirah Ibn Shu'bah (may Allah be pleased with him), he said:

حدثنا الحسن بن أبي الربيع, أنبأنا عبد الرزاق, عن معمر, عن ثابت البناني, عن بكر بن عبد الله المزني, عن المغيرة بن شعبة, قال أتيت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فذكرت له امرأة أخطبها فقال "اذهب فانظر إليها فإنه أجدر أن يؤدم بينكما ". فأتيت امرأة من الأنصار فخطبتها إلى أبويها وأخبرتهما بقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم. فكأنهما كرها ذلك. قال فسمعت ذلك المرأة وهي في خدرها فقالت إن كان رسول الله صلى الله وسلمَمَررَكَ َْنْ تَظُرَ فَانْظُرْ.

I proposed marriage to a girl and told the matter to Rasulullah. The Messenger of Allah said to me, "Have you seen him?" I said, "No." He said, “Come and see him. Because seeing this will be very useful in creating friendship between you. ” So I went to see the girl.


Her parents were there and the girl was hiding behind a curtain. Then I said, "The Messenger of Allah has instructed me to see that girl." His parents remained silent at my words. There is another narration - "As if they disliked my words." (That is, they were not in favor of showing the bride before the wedding.)


Meanwhile, the girl said, "If the Messenger of Allah has ordered you to see me, then I am coming before you for the convenience of seeing you." And if the Messenger of Allah did not instruct you to see me, then you will not look at me. ” To him it seemed like a big deal.


Hadrat Mughirah (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "Then I see him and marry him." And he mentions how happy he was.

[Sunan Ibn Majah, 18, Sahih Hadith]


May God have mercy on us. How God-fearing the female companions were. Swearing to the Companions - If the Messenger of Allah gives permission, he will show his face, otherwise not. But today we are preaching that the niqab is not in Islam! How reluctant that Sahabiyyat was to come in front of an honest, pious Sahabi who had brought a marriage proposal for her. But we are busy scratching out the documents of wandering around without any hesitation, leaving our faces uncovered and wrapped in nakshi burqa! Allahu Akbar! We should fear God in all things and give priority to His will.


Resolving a confusion

In verse 31 of Surah An-Noor of the Qur'an, Allah Almighty says:

And say to the believers that they are wrathful of those who observe them and guard their faces,

“Tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their private parts. They should not show their beauty except for what is manifested under normal conditions ... "

[Surah An-Noor, 31]


Many claim that in this verse إِلَّا مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا (Illa ma-zaha-ra minha) meaning ‘except what is usually manifested’, the face and hands are given respite. But appearance is no longer the purpose of the hand. By saying إِلَّا مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, the giver of beauty, has left out the situation of those things which are revealed by themselves, that is, over which the servant has no control. Such as the length and shortness of women, thinness and obesity, etc. Again, in many cases strong winds blowing from one side, despite the fact that the woman has a proper veil, can be understood as a part of the shape of the side which is completely unintentional and has no control over it despite the efforts of the servant. And in order to explain these things, Allah Almighty has said ِّلَّا مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا or ‘that which is usually manifested’.


But he did not say subhanahuta ‘la ِّلَّا مَا ظَهَرَت (Illa ma-yaha-ratu) or‘ what a woman expresses in her own will ’.


So, the purpose of the verse of Allah is ِّلَّا مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا (Illa ma-zaha-ra minha) or ‘what is usually revealed’,

Things that naturally unfold without desire.


So it is better for us to fear Allah and obey His commands.

O you who believe!

“O you who believe! Fear God as He should be feared. And do not die without surrendering to Him. ”

[Surah Al-Imran, 102]


Only significant documents are given here. There are many more documents of this obligatory provision of Islam.




When a sister's niqab or hijab is mocked or talked about in front of us, it is not just a test for that sister. Rather, it is our test Subhanallah! Because then a provision of Islam was actually attacked! So, if we don't talk about it then, the question of how much religion we have and how much we have left becomes more serious than the question of how much religion we have.


Many, including Sheikh Albani, brought up the views of previous imams that it was permissible to keep their mouths open. Dear brothers and sisters, try to understand the context. 'There is no Islam' and 'there is dissent' - these are two completely different things Subhan-Allah!


The sisters who wear the niqab for the sake of Allah are also following the established Imams. Then the claim that 'there is no niqab in Islam' cannot be accepted. Therefore, even the Muslims who follow different views have to take the side of the oppressed brothers and sisters against the infidels and Taghuts. But alas! How the futility of thought has caught us!


And if you can wear hijab by loving Allah and obeying Allah's commandments, you can also wear niqab for Allah. Moreover, the views of our Imams which give us security in the Hereafter and which opinions allow us to fulfill our worldly desires can be questioned. Of course, it is possible to deceive oneself because of the nafs, but it is not possible to deceive Allah! So when we make a decision, we should fear Allah Almighty.


May Allah grant us the Tawfiq to accept and abide by the rules of Islam properly. May Allah guide us to righteous deeds and give us the tawfiq to prevent evil deeds. May Allah accept our efforts.

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3 years ago
