Homemade skin cleansing pack

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4 years ago
Homemade skin cleansing pack

When you go out, the skin can be dirty due to various reasons including dust, heat of the sun, polluted air.

The skin becomes lifeless due to carelessness. So skin care is needed.

You can use some face packs made of natural ingredients to keep the skin looking good and clean off excess dirt.

Using these face packs can keep the skin naturally clean and vibrant.

Let's find out now - Mint leaf juice: You can use mint leaf juice to clean the skin. You can use mint leaf juice on the skin before going to bed at night. Which will eliminate acne.

Mint leaves are mixed with lukewarm water and mixed with lemon juice and applied on the skin. When dry, wash.

The skin will be brighter. Sweet use Mix equal amount of rice flour and milk and 1 tablespoon of honey and apply on the skin. When dry, wash. The skin will be clean from the inside.

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Avatar for Ostina1
4 years ago
