The Haunting Shadows

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Avatar for Oredebby
3 years ago

Hello everyone. Hope you all are doing amazing today. Now, there are some things that happen in our lives that happen sometimes not because we want them to but our lifestyles and what we allow around us make those things happen. I am talking about deep and top secrets about ourselves that we cannot even share with anyone no matter how close some people are to you.

It is a fact that many times, these things when they are not trashed out end up haunting us in the future and causing havoc to many. Lets take for example, someone who been raped b4 and the effect damaged such persons womb. Now its time to get married but never disclosed such information to the spouse.

And when its time to give birth, problem starts and most times, there is tendency of blaming ones partner knowing fully well where the fault is from. So, lets always strive to be faithful and truthful to ourselves and others. You never can tell who is who or who will help.

Lastly, know your company, watch what you do, where you go, what to say so that our past wont come back crawling and haunting our future and lives forever.

Thanks so much for reading

I remain @oredebby

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