Silver Spoon

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Avatar for Oredebby
3 years ago

She was born with a silver spoon,

Her future was brighter than the northern sun,

Then life hit her in her prime,

Death took away her parents,

The family took all their properties,

And chased her to the streets.

Beaten, bruised and deeply hurt,

She let out lonely in the cold world,

Her face was beyond recognition,

She found solace in a man she just met,

And just as she thought the world has smiled,

He raped her brutally and left her to die.

In her own pool of blood she stood,

Death flashed in her eyes like a picture,

Betrayal and pain filled her whole heart,

Survival became her only decision as she healed,

Even if the world stand against her,

She promised herself to win no matter what.

With tears down her eyes she wrote her story,

The brutalised has become an industry giant,

Everyday reminded her of the pains,

If she had given up those years ago,

She wouldn't have been a leader,

Winners never quit she said in her biography.

I remain Oredebby

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @EvilWillow


That's deep 😢 What a wonderful piece. Every words you use made me imagine the harshness and reality of everyone dealing with their own darkness

$ 0.00
3 years ago