Sunnah A Rasool ﷺ And Science.

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3 years ago

Good afternoon every one.Happy Friday to all Muslims,a great day and we Muslims celebrate this day as a Eid festival.On this special day,I am going to highlight the Sunnah A Rasool ﷺ And science.If we human apply and use Sunnah Then I have a faith we have healthy and beautiful life to spend as proven by sceinec.Here I Am going to introduce same things just have a look.

Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ Sunnah are being scientifically 🔬 #Proven one by one by the Science and that is the colossal Testament of Muhammad ﷺ sayings Authenticity and Credibility.

Over 1400 years Back, when a child was Born, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ made it #Mandatory (Sunnat) to put a small Piece of Date (Khajoor) in a new Born Baby #Mouth until it get Soft. Then Rub that soft Piece of Date onto the upper Roof of the mouth of the New Born. This is called Tehneek is Islam (Jurisprudence).

Arabic Date Fruit

Later, Science #Proved ⭕ that : "A Dose of Sugar given as a Gel Rubbed into the inside of the mouth is a cheap and Effective way to Protect premature Babies against Brain Damage", Reported BBC News.

This is why Muslims follow the sunnah of the messenger without Questioning it. Science is only now Discovering a tradition that was introduced 1400 #Years ago.

These are no doubt healthy tips.No doubt if you have faith on any religion you can be benefited from Sunnah,as proven by Science.I hope we follow the Sunnah In practical life for healthy and happy life.Thank you for your patience💟💟💟

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3 years ago
