The Top 5 Weirdest Things People Do When They're Alone

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1 year ago
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We all have our quirks, but there are some things that people do when they're alone that are just plain weird. Here are the top 5 weirdest things people do when they're alone:

  1. Talk to Themselves

We've all done it, but there's just something inherently strange about talking to yourself. Whether you're trying to work out a problem or just talking to your imaginary friend, it's a little bit odd.

  1. Dance Like No One's Watching

There's nothing wrong with dancing, but when you're alone and you start busting out the moves, things can get a little weird. Especially if you're doing the robot or the Macarena.

  1. Sing Off-Key

We all have our favorite songs, but when you're singing alone and you can't carry a tune to save your life, it can be pretty embarrassing. And if you're singing in the shower, your neighbors might start to wonder what's going on.

  1. Talk to Your Pets

If you have a pet, you know how much they can feel like a member of the family. But when you're alone and you start having full-blown conversations with your cat or dog, things can get a little weird. Especially if they start talking back.

  1. Eat Weird Combinations of Food

When you're alone and you're hungry, you might start getting creative with your food choices. Maybe you're putting peanut butter on your pizza or dipping your French fries in ice cream. Whatever it is, it's probably not something you'd want to share with your friends.

So there you have it, the top 5 weirdest things people do when they're alone. But hey, we're all a little weird sometimes, right?

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