Happening in the France team

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1 year ago

Kareem Benzema said he would retire from his country matches and claimed that he would return back only if Didier Deschamps resign or sent away from being the coach and get Zinadine Zidane as the country head coach and it's because of the argument that is in between him and the coach, but according to how it was told by the news, they said many of the teammates like Anthony Griezzman, Oliver Giroud etc didn't like him, including Paul Pogba that wasn't call up to represent his country due to injury, they claimed that Kareem Benzema a bad influence for the club and it was like a chance when he was injured at training, they didn't even test him to know when his injury time could take, they just sent him back to Real Madrid and after he reached Real Madrid, he played friendly match, so which mean the injury isn't a huge one.

Kareem Benzema has unfollowed most of his France teammates but left just 5 players which are Edouardo Camavinga, Tchuameni that they are both in Real Madrid together, Kylian Mbappe, Raphael Varane and Marcus Turan. He and Raphael Varane has played matches together in Real Madrid, so they could be tight friends but unfollowed other 20 players. We can just trace this happening to the scene that happened between Kareem Benzema and Fabuena because after that, he should have just join the national team because even before investigation start, it is obvious that he's innocent but I think the players gang up against Kareem Benzema because he's a leader from Real Madrid and Real Madrid players are many in the national team, unlike other clubs, so they know that Coach would want to listen to the Majority players than the minority ones.

We can't say Kareem Benzema unfollowed the other players because they are from Africa because he personality is from Algeria by origin and Tchuameni that he didn't unfollow is also and African, he a Cameroonian by origin, so Kareem Benzema is the one that other minority players are against, and Didier Deschamps is the one that can say more or just let us know what is happening behind the scenes exactly. I don't think it's what happened between Kareem Benzema and Fabuena many years back is the case because France president interfered in the matter and they talked about it with the coach before he was called back to the National team but it could be seniority matter that causes it, maybe he's claiming to be the boss on the other players and he has gone so far because the problem is in between Ngo Lloris, Anthony Griezzman and Oliver Giroud and these three players are authentic.

Since Kareem Benzema has joined the France team back after the allegation with his ex teammate (Fabuena), he has played like 7 matches, so it means that is not what is still causing the problem. He was the boss before he was sent out of the national team before now it was after he left that they won the World Cup, so those that won the World Cup can't see him as boss because they see him as if he is still junior to them and they know that he would be the one that they would show his face with camera often and often even more than Kylian Mbappe if Kareem Benzema part of the team playing because he has won Ballon Do'r and none of them are even nominated and Anthony Griezzman even said social media didn't talk about anything than Kareem Benzema as if the rest of them aren't players.

Ngo Lloris and others are only mafia of the France team but they didn't have name like Kareem Benzema, even as they have won the World Cup and still become second in this recent one, they still didn't have name like Kareem Benzema and the individual achievement that he have, none of them have it as he didn't win World Cup with them, even Kylian Mbappe that shines now never have such achievement

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1 year ago
