You don't know me

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Avatar for Opeyemioguns
4 years ago

You may know my name but not my story

Even though you know my story, it is part of it,  not all

You don't know me

Even though you know me, you know only know what I'm going through,  not what I've went through

You may know my presence but that doesn't determine my future

You know what I'm going through but you can't predict what would happen in next 1 minute

I have went through a lot

I have done so much

Life!  The little time I've spent, I know what it is

I have learned a lot

I have teach a lot

And as long as I still live,  I haven't escape from life drama

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder


Agree dear. So do not judge others because we have all problem in life. Be careful in everything we say and act, give respect to others .

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago