You could be popular but it depends on how you want to be popular either by good deeds or by bad deeds but doing bad deeds is the fastest way to get popular
People would get to know you if you choose to be bad but hardly know you if you choose to be good but getting popular is not what the good heart ♥ ones need, they only need you to be in good condition that everyone are
Some people don't even need to be fine, they are fine when they see their lovers doing fine and that's those who are in love with particular person or people
I know some that just love humanity, they hate it when fellow man is in pain, only if they must be in pain like receiving treatment in hospital and those lovers are mostly secret lovers that people hardly know
I ain't taking about the politicians that do for citizens because the love they have is a business love, they help to be voted for in their coming election
Source; [Helpers ](