Hallelujah! hallelujah!! hallelujah!!!
Hallelujah is hallelujah in all Languages
There is no other language for Hallelujah
The whole countries that Christan religion is being practice call it hallelujah
Let's just say the whole world call it Hallelujah
No wonder Bible call Hallelujah an heavenly language
Hallelujah break the Jericho wall in the Bible and it still do up till now
I am very sure there is nothing Hallelujah cannot do
Hallelujah even answers prayers more than closing eyes prayers
Hallelujah is a great song that praises God more than any other songs
Source; [Hallelujah ](https://hive.blog/hive-108514/@opeyemioguns/hallelujah-qhsray)