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Avatar for Ontor
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3 years ago

"Suicide is a great sin. And suicide is not the solution to anything."

What do you think? Those who commit suicide do not know these things?

Knows, and knowingly they commit suicide.

Do you know why this path saves?

Depression causes them to commit suicide.

Only a few letters were put together to form the word 'depression'.

Is it really that easy?

Yes, spelling is really easy. But for a person who suffers from depression, depression is not an easy thing to do.

Depression is a very, very scary thing. No one can come out of it if they want to.

Depression means entering a very dark world.

Not wanting to eat, not being able to concentrate on any work, not being encouraged in any work.

Getting angry for no reason, wanting to be in too much darkness or too much light.

If you ever get close to something that hurts, try to hurt yourself.

Doing so many more unusual things.

People who are depressed want to be with their loved ones. Many do not. Loved ones are busy.

I would say, run to the court of Allah to get rid of depression. Go to Sijdah and tell Allah about the hardships of the mind.

No one but him will understand your troubles so well.

Believe that only God can save you from this depression, to show you the way to light.

The last stage of depression is suicide.

Seek refuge in God before you reach the final stage.

And I will say to my loved ones, "Give your loved one a little time. Love from the heart. There will be no gain in mourning for him after he dies."

Stay well everyone, keep loved ones well.

Depression will come along the way in life, but it will not go away if you lose.


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In today's world suicide has been increasing day by day because of dissatisfaction in their life. Suicide is not a solution. So please stop suicide.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

আত্মহত্যা মহাপাপ। আত্মহত্যা কোনো সমাধান হতে পারে না। জীবন আমাদের যা কিছু দেয় তাই নিয়ে আমাদের সন্তুষ্ট থাকা উচিত। আমরা যদি নিজেদের চাওয়া-পাওয়াকে কন্ট্রোল করতে পারে তাহলে আত্মহত্যা কমে যাবে। আমি আপনাকে সব আশা করছি আশা করি আপনিও আমাকে সাবস্ক্রাইব করবেন ধন্যবাদ

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3 years ago