| How do I achieve my goals |

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3 years ago
Topics: Goals

How do I achieve my goals :

5 steps to do this :

□ Have you ever thought about what you would like to do in the next five years? Do you have a clear vision about your career goals at this moment? And do you know exactly what you want to achieve by the end of this day?

All of these questions fall under the goal setting process. If you want to succeed, you have to set the compass of your goals, because without it you will lose your focus and fail to control your life, as setting your goals correctly gives you the ability to measure whether you are achieving success or not.

Suppose you have a million dollars in your bank account. This amount will be a testament to your success in case your goal is to amass a lot of wealth. However, if the goal you set for yourself is to give money to charities, keeping that amount in your account becomes inconsistent with your definition of success.

But in order to achieve your goals, you must first learn how to set them, you cannot simply say: “I want to achieve this or that thing…” and you expect that your goal will actually be achieved, as goal setting is a related process that begins with deep thinking about what you want to achieve. To it, and you end with the hard work that you have to persevere with until you reach your goal, and between the beginning and the end there are a number of specific steps that contribute to truly achieving these goals.

Here are 5 golden rules that help you set your goals in the right way that you will achieve them.

First, set motivating goals

Motivating goals

When you set goals for yourself, it is important that these goals be motivating, in other words, they must be important to you, and of special moral and material value for you. In the event that you are not very interested in the end result or these goals are not closely related to your larger vision, then you likely won't put in enough effort to achieve them.

Make sure to set goals that relate to your most important life priorities, or else you will end up with a lot of goals and less time spent achieving each of them.

In order for you to succeed in achieving your goals, you must have an urgent feeling of the need to reach them as soon as possible, otherwise you will begin to postpone them, followed by a feeling of disappointment and frustration, and this may lead you to a more destructive mental state, which is your belief that you are unable to achieve anything or Success in any matter.

Second: Set your goals smartly

Smart goals

There is no doubt that you heard about SMART Goals from "SMART Goals". It is a rule that describes the most important criteria that must be characterized by your goals, so that each letter of the word SMART symbolizes one of these criteria. So your goals should be:

1- Specified

Your goal should be clear and well-defined. Vague or general goals are not helpful because they do not provide you with adequate direction.

Remember that you need goals in order to know your path in life, so make sure to make it as easy as possible by pinpointing where you want to get to. Not only can you say that you want to succeed, but you have to define exactly in which area or aspect of life you want to succeed.

2- Measurable

Make sure to include as many dates, numbers, and values ​​as possible that will help you determine how successful you are at achieving a specific goal. For example, if your goal is to "reduce your costs," you need to define a method for measuring your success. Which of the following two options really determines your success? To reduce your expenses by 1% within one month or by the same percentage within two years ?! Or other criteria?

If you don't figure out a way to measure your success, you will miss the joy of celebrating success because you will never know if you succeeded or not.

3- Achievable

When you set a goal, be sure that it is achievable. Setting impossible goals will only bring you disappointment and destroy your confidence.

On the other hand, easy goals that do not require any effort to achieve them are also not good, because they will not make you feel satisfied and happy that you aspire to, and will make you more afraid of setting harder goals.

Always try to balance these two things, and set yourself goals that are realistic and difficult at the same time. These types of goals are the ones that will develop your personality and bring you satisfaction and joy when you achieve them.

4- Related to what you're doing

Your goals must be closely related to the direction in which you are going, whether on a personal, professional or otherwise level, as in this way you will ensure complete focus on them, but if your goals are scattered and unconnected, then in this case you will waste your time and waste a lot of your energy without Feasibility.

5- Time-bound

It is imperative to set a time frame for your goals, so that you can achieve them and measure your success in reaching them. In addition, setting a deadline or timeframe for your goals will help you feel more important to work towards them and ensure that you put in the greatest effort to get them done on time.

Third: Write down your goals

The process of writing down goals and writing them down makes them more tangible and real, because that way you will not forget them. When writing your goals, make sure you use the appropriate form. Note the difference between these two sentences:

"I would like to reduce my expenses by 10% during this year."

"I will reduce my expenses by 10% this year."

By reading these two sentences, you can feel the determination and determination of the second sentence that the first sentence lacks, because formulas such as: “I desire” or “I wish” or something similar transform your goal into a mere wish, while using words such as: “will” It will give your goal more power, and increase the likelihood of achieving it in reality.

Another trick to help you achieve your goals is to write them down and post them in visible places so that you can remember them daily. Hang your goals on the walls of your room, office, computer, refrigerator door or bathroom mirror, make sure to see them in front of you several times during the day so that you always remember them.

Fourth: Create a business plan

Often this step is lost when setting goals, so we find that one of us focuses on the final result and forgets to develop a solid plan of action to achieve this result ؛ By writing individual process steps and starting to implement them one by one, you are ensuring that you are on track and making progress on your goal. This step is of great importance if your goal is large or long-term.

Fifth : Adhere to the action plan

Remember that setting goals is an ongoing process, so it is important to remind yourself constantly, and to take time to regularly review these goals and your progress towards them.

As the end result may remain one, but the action plan to achieve it may differ greatly during the process, and even if this happens, be sure to commit to having an action plan that leads you to your goals even if you have to change them several times. The important thing is that the value of your goal and its relevance to your greater vision and the need to reach it remain high as you walk towards it.

We conclude from the above that setting goals is not just a wish that something will be achieved, but rather an ongoing process that begins with understanding what you really want and the motivation behind this desire, and then developing a real and thoughtful plan to start achieving this goal. If you adhere to the five golden rules we mentioned in this article, you will be able to set your goals happily and enthusiastically and will enjoy the personal satisfaction that comes with achieving them.

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3 years ago
Topics: Goals
