The most important fatty live detox and cleansing antioxidant

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2 years ago

part 1


et's talk about the liver and some really important things you can do to help improve your ability to detoxify and reverse damage to the liver now i have personal experience with having a very damaged liver and some people will ask me well did you cure your liver right well i have no residual symptoms from it and i seem to have resolved my liver problems but if i go off my plan okay just a little bit i will start to experience symptoms of a liver problem and the reason i'm bringing that up is because sometimes when people will have this idea that if you cure something you can then go back to your normal diet or your regular diet and be able to tolerate some of those foods for example let's take diabetes i had someone actully ask me this will your diet fix my diabetes so i can then go back to my regular plan i'm like no you can't do that because that would be equivalent to having a car that runs on unleaded now youre going to switch to diesel and think that your car is going to run normal if you put diesel in an engine that's not designed for diesel okay and you ruin it you can't go back to diesel okay you have to use the fuel that car is designed to run on the some thing with the body our bodies were meant to run on ketone fuel any glucose that ⁸ needs it can make very easily and this especially applies to the liver if you over loads the  liver with too much glucose or carbs it's not going to work right so the livrer needs certain things to function okay but what i want to talk about is something a little bit different and that is glutothione is one of the most important ontioxidants for your liver and pretty much for all your cells all your cells have glutathione it very very large quantities and it's very important i like to call it a superhero because it's there to protect the liver it's there to help repair the liver from famage and there's a lot of research on glutathione there's actually over a hundred thous and peer review papers in scientific journal just on glutathione so it's well research and so it's heavily involed with repaire actions of the liver as well as the detoxification function of your liver or scar tissue or cirrhosis of the liver maintaining your glutathione levels is going to be very very important thing to do now as far as detoxication glutathione has special affinity for heavy metals okay especially mercury it pulls it out of the brain it to the liver and out through the bile and it gets it out of the body i mean that's like miraculous it helps to change poisons that are fat soluble that are stuck in the body to water soluble harmless particles tha's pretty cool ilt helps to break down things like hydrogen peroxide that your cells make as one of the defense mechanism in the immune system your body makes a lot of hydrogen peroxide so glutathione comes in there and helps to neutralize that if you have overdosed on something called acetaminophen then glutathione could come in there and neutraluze that effect if you drink a lot of alcohol glutathione can minimize the damage to your liver if you are taking medications on a regular basis you should be making sure your glutathione is at a higher level i mean there are so many health conditions that are connected to low level of glutathione there's over 75 major diseases that are associated with low glutathione levels and the problem is as we age we make less and less of it so i'm going to talk about how to keep it at a higher level on your body it can also improve insulin resistance it can help counter exercise fatigue and it can protect the  mitochndria that's one of its main fuctions the mitochondria is all about producing energy and when you get damage in the mitochondria youre more .

to be continue…

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