Etheruem is a legit business which is done allover the world

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Avatar for Olayode
4 years ago

What is a etheruem?

What is Ethereum?

New to Ethereum? You’re in the right place. Let’s start with the big picture.

Ethereum is the foundation for a new era of the internet:

  • An internet where money and payments are built in.

  • An internet where users can own their data, and your apps don’t spy and steal from you.

  • An internet where everyone has access to an open financial system.

  • An internet built on neutral, open-access infrastructure, controlled by no company or person.

Launched in 2015, Ethereum is the world’s programmable blockchain.

Like other blockchains, Ethereum has a native cryptocurrency called Ether (ETH). ETH is digital money. If you’ve heard of Bitcoin, ETH has many of the same features. It is purely digital, and can be sent to anyone anywhere in the world instantly. The supply of ETH isn’t controlled by any government or company - it is decentralized, and it is scarce. People all over the world use ETH to make payments, as a store of value, or as collateral.

But unlike other blockchains, Ethereum can do much more. Ethereum is programmable, which means that developers can use it to build new kinds of applications.

These decentralized applications (or “dapps”) gain the benefits of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. They are reliable and predictable, meaning that once they are “uploaded” to Ethereum, they will always run as programmed. They can control digital assets in order to create new kinds of financial applications. They can be decentralized, meaning that no single entity or person controls them.

Right now, thousands of developers all over the world are building applications on Ethereum, and inventing new kinds of applications, many of which you can use today:

  • Cryptocurrency wallets that let you make cheap, instant payments with ETH or other assets

  • Financial applications that let you borrow, lend, or invest your digital assets

  • Decentralized markets, that let you trade digital assets, or even trade “predictions” about events in the real world

  • Games where you own in-game assets, and can even make real money

  • And much, much more.

The Ethereum community is the largest and most active blockchain community in the world. It includes core protocol developers, cryptoeconomic researchers, artists, cypherpunks, mining organizations, ETH holders, gamers, app developers, grandmothers, anarchists, fortune 500 companies, and, as of now, you.

There is no company or centralized organization that controls Ethereum. Ethereum is maintained and improved over time by a diverse global community of contributors who work on everything from the core protocol to consumer applications. This website, just like the rest of Ethereum, was built - and continues to be built - by a collection of people working together.

Welcome to Ethereum.

I got some few site which you can earn etheruem from

  1. CYPTRO EMIRATES:This give you x2 of your deposit and within 24 hours it get paid directly into your wallet. You will use your wallet address to sign up............. Happy earning. Register through that link 🖕🖕🖕

  2. FORSAGE:I know a lot of people will have hear of this

For the record, I want you to know that *FORSAGE* and it's benefits is not time keep earning continuously

What's Forsage? Forsage smart contract is a platform which allows you earn Ethereum and you trade them for instant cash anyday anytime and at any price you so which cause na your thing and na any price you wan sell your thing dem go buy am from you😋😋💯

Inna layman's term...

*But here on FORSAGE you can earn in 3 separate ways*

*• Spillovers*

*• Overflows*

*• Referrals*...*

*What does FORSAGE have to offer/ How do we make the money*?

*Prospects of every other smart contract like million money, autobot, etc out there earn basically on referrals...*

Wow big time money if you are right with your calculations..

You would understand what that means

Let me Break this down.

*1.Spillovers works in such a way you earn from people around you in the system any person be it the person is in kano, USA, Russia, asia or wherever on this planet earth same as overflows also*

*Spillover come from anywhere so no one can say the actual amount you will see on spillover*

*one can receive at least 2 spillover daily😂*

*This is what we call everlasting money🥳*

*2* *Overflow is what you earn from upline(the person that register you)*

*When he/she keepem earning small and his basket on FORSAGE is already filled up*.

*The rest fall on his downline*

*No matter if u are working or not , referring or not referring, you just keep getting it*

*This is why we say "Forsage is the gift that keeps giving"*

*The upline can't stop that as it is already programed*

Download trust wallet at playsore

Register it

Click on new wallet don't share your 12 phrase word with anybody

Buy ether with your ATM card

Or join through this link

To know more whatapp me +2347084706650

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Avatar for Olayode
4 years ago
