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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Nigeria, Blog

I can confidently say that most of the issues we at facing as humans can also be traced to ignorance and incompetence. Let's take a good look at our leaders, if they are competent, they would do their best. They travel over the world and see how things are being done, so their issue is not down to ignorance. This is not about the Nigerian government this time, I ranted about that yesterday already hahaha.

The problems we are facing as a nation runs deeper than what we can see on the surface. Of course, our human factor plays in and maybe because we have been used to seeing how the systems have failed, we have come to accept it as a reality. So, rather than create a system in our little space, we handle things with levity. Let me dig in, so you can understand what I am saying perfectly.

I was invited for an interview this past Wednesday. I was told to either accept it or reject the offer, which was on Tuesday. I accepted the offer and right on that mail, they asked me to access the Zoom link on the said date and time for the interview. It was scheduled for 5:30 pm, Nigerian time.

I logged in right on the stroke of that time and waited and waited to be accepted in but nothing. I waited for more than 30 minutes before I left. While waiting, I sent them a mail to let them know I am waiting for access into the interview room but no response came in. No call, no text and not even a mail, in response or apology.

I moved on and just on Friday, a lady called me (she called on Tuesday too before I got the mail) and told me I was scheduled for an interview and all. I told her I logged in, sent a mail and no one responded. She apologized and cited they had a situation beyond their control and they didn't know they wouldn't be able to handle both the interview and their normal office activities together. I was wondering, is that a good enough reason why you people couldn't even send an apology message or text and communicate another date? Well, she invited me for another interview, yesterday and this time around, 2 pm, Nigerian time.

Fast forward to Saturday, I waited again from 2 pm till 4 pm, still, no show. I sent a mail as well like I did the last time, which I am sure they won't respond to again. I was really angry. I set aside so many things. I am bringing value that you want to pay for, so we should at least treat people with more respect. I stayed on for so long because I felt maybe they had too many people they were interviewing, so it might be turn by turn. It was later I got to know that they didn't even come online. I later got to know from someone that they had a management meeting and it was pushed beyond the normal time and I asked the person, is that an excuse?

This is a terrible way to treat people that would want to come and work for you. Communication is key. Planning is necessary. Delegation is important. You are demanding other people's time, wasting it and you want them to take you seriously? I couldn't do anything for those two hours because I was trying not to be caught unaware.

We need to fix our attitude as humans or organizations before we fix the system and without proper humans to fix the system, collapse is inevitable. This is why the system hasn't worked because we have people who are flawed trying to make a perfect system. I read a post here where the person said we need to create systems first before we set goals because without a solid system, our goals would not see the light of the day and that is right.

In that same breath, we need to start leaving better children for the world rather than hoping on leaving a better world for our children. When we leave better children for the world, they would recreate the world and established a better system. We need to be better too. Attitude is everything. I am disappointed, to say the least. The funny thing is, they haven't reached out again and I am sure the same lady would call and fix another date. Rather than saying anything unpleasant, I would rather not pick. I don't think I want to work in a system like theirs where they would frustrate every effort you put in.

They have it wrong from the basis and I am not sure they would allow anyone to chip in to set anything right. Anyone who attempts that would be an enemy and labelled as someone who wants to tear the system down. At least, if they are willing to learn, they should have listened to the last correction I pointed out.

$ 0.61
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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Nigeria, Blog


I hope that you will have another opportunity at a better company! Good luck to your future interview.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Thank you so much. 🤗🤗🤗

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello brother! What a situation you are in. I hope you really wont enter that company if that is what they do to their potential workers!

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Absolutely, my friend. I won't even pick their call when they call to schedule another meeting.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Write another article just in case you pick up their call accidentally or deliberately hahaha!

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Hahaha I definitely will.

$ 0.00
3 years ago