I Keep Going... Poetic Way...

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1 year ago
Topics: Life, Motivation, Poem, Writing, Blogging, ...

Don’t give up because life is about growing up

When life happens, you are expected to be showing up

The things we go through in life is about shaping us

The strong battle is left for the stronger soldier, you know?

Life doesn’t come with a manual or with any instruction

You can’t afford to throw in the towel or show the white flag

Life has dealt many with heavy blows, even I know this

I felt I was outdone by life with many occurrences

But I got to the point where I know it is my choice to stay up

Life will want to pull you down, even fellow humans too

Everyone will want to get under your skin at one point too

But it is entirely your choice and decision how you respond

A lot of people have gone under when life dealt its blow

We often times allow life to take away our shine and our glow

I hope you are getting my drift and message with my flow?

Never give up even if you are at your wits end in life

We grow up and grow strong with the challenges that face us

It's Still Life.

We all have our fair share of things in this life

We might think we have seen the worst of things

But that changes when we hear what others go through

Life deal with everyone differently and in various ways

We need to grow a thicker skin and then understand life happens

He got married so early and yet he waited so long for a child

He got married quite late and then he didn’t wait to have one

She graduated with the best honours and yet still struggle for work

She got did okay in school and then she got lucky with her offers

Life deals with us differently; different strokes for different folks

We need to see the best in what life throws at us sometimes

It is our character and strength that will shine through it all

Never forget who you are and I know it is not easy not to focus on the pain

But what other choice do we have when life happens to everyone?

We need to show our strength of character as life deals differently with everyone

Both Ways...

I have loved many and then lost many

Life is about additions and subtractions

People come into your life and people leave

And then you meet new people along the way

That is life; we meet and then we leave

I have seen those who came like a storm

And stayed with me like a cool breeze

I have seen people come into my life quietly

And then stormed out like the hailstorm

People come, people leave and then life goes on

Never forget to hold on to what is important to you

Your peace is important and a change in perspective

When you understand nothing lasts forever

It might help you to handle things way better

I have seen betrayals and I have seen loyalty

I have experienced love so deep, and also deep hurt

Life stops for no one due to how we feel or see things

Life moves on, and we should do well and move on too


You came close and I saw you with a heavy heart

Come closer to me, you don’t have to bear it alone

We do live and learn as we grow on this earth

I won’t let you come to nothing, with my embrace

I could see on your face how tears formed their trace

Your heart is heavy but here, you have my shoulder

I would watch you cry while assuring you things will be fine

To ease your worries and the burdens, with you I will dine

I want to remind you what it means to be happy once again

I can see your tears flowing incessantly with broken eyes

If I could rip open your heart, I would see the aches within

I am not here to tell you not to cry or act insensitive to your pains

But I want you to know I will be with you every step of the way

After the storm, comes the ease; so expect more of the rains

The rain to wash away your tears and give you joy from within

The rain that ushers in freshness with good sensational vibes

I will be with you in every moment of the way, come closer

Just Like Yesterday...

It's a year already and it's hard to forget your influence

Even as tears filled many eyes I still don't want to cry the substance

It's hard to come to terms with your demise

It hits everyone so hard and it's one unpleasant surprise

I didn't want to say goodbye because I don't want to believe you are gone

Oh... You touched most hearts, see how hearts are torn

A thousand words to console still won't break through this heavy heart

With eyes filled with tears, I wish they are enough to bring you back to earth

I would say, "No more tears" because you didn't die, you simply made a transition

This is you leaving the familiar behind to embrace another location

We don't want it but what can we do to change this situation?

Your smile and kind words broke through, regardless of the duration

I feel your sojourn here was short but your impact will outlive your existence

It's hard to say goodbye knowing that's the end of the chapter

But alive you are in many hearts, including mine

Your words replay in my head...polished after the similitude of the gold

Constantly refiring and always revered... precious and priceless

Rest on...heaven just recalled another angel home, no tears

We called this man "Baba Ijo" meaning Father of the Church and that's owing to how committed he was to Church and the things of Christ. There was no one he can't speak to or with and he was always calm. A wise man, full of insight and spirit. I loved his foresight and how he was every ready to help just anyone. A treasure slipped off the hand of the earth... Heaven's gain... No tears.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks. I am love's chemical content in human form and that's why I advise people to take a dose of "Olawalium" daily. 🙈

Kindly follow me on Noise.App.

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1 year ago
Topics: Life, Motivation, Poem, Writing, Blogging, ...


That's why when I see folks trying to impress people or being desperate to achieve things just because there friend achieved something, I laugh at them . Everyone's destiny is different same thing as grace the earlier ok be figures how it works for him the better. Those pictures are really nice😍

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Absolutely spot on Ces. Thanks dear. 🤗

$ 0.00
1 year ago