Christians: Celebrating Love: Family.

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9 months ago

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There is an adage that says we all start and end with family and that's the truth. God sets the solitaries in families because belongingness is part of family. Diversity is a fact. Inclusion is an act. Belonging is the outcome. The importance of keeping a family together cannot be overemphasized.

For any ideal family, communication is very important. That sets the tone for whatever can be achieved and also for instilling your values. A family that cannot communicate can't stay together for long and when they managed to just stay together for whatever reason, the friction would be so obvious for all to see.

You have to be open to communication because how else do you want to express your feelings and make known what's important to you? If others don't know what you want, how else can they factor your needs and feelings into the equation?

Another thing you need in a family is openness. If you are not open, then you are not ready for a family. A family should see your vulnerability. A family should read you like an open book with all the honesty that comes with it. You have to lay it all bare if you ever want to allow your family to thrive. Secrets here and there ruin the sanctity of your home. And the only cure is for openness to thrive and this should be one of the core values we should instill in our homes. Transparency is vital.

There is this adage that say that a family that prays together stays together. There should be a prayers altar that must continually burn in your home. When you get to the point where you can't pray together, that's an indication that you both need to heal and forgive each other. When you pray together which shouldn't be out of obligation, it makes resolution happen quicker and faster too. You cannot rule out the God-factor in your home because it sets the tone for ALL things in your life.

Another key ingredient in a family should be forgiveness. The honest truth is, there is no perfect marriage. Most people you look up to would tell you the same. Don't allow social media and the fake reality of others to fool you. Every marriage is a work in progress. We all have our strength and we all have our weaknesses. We help each other with overcoming our weaknesses while we magnify the strength in each other.

What's a family without loyalty? It doesn't mean you blindly support when the person does wrong, but it simply means that you are committed to the person's growth, happiness and joy. You would be more vested in that person because you know when the table turns, that same person/people won't also leave you out. A lot of people place more value and show loyalty in the wrong places forgetting that we all start and end with family and your family is all you have got. We can choose our friends but we don't choose our family.

The bane of every marriage thrives on understanding. There would always be conflicts and loggerheads if you don't understand each other. Be attentive to listen and slow to speak. This way, it helps you to understand what the person is saying rather than being too quick to speak. A patient heart gains better understanding. Someone once said that you need to be careful of those who already know the answer before you even ask the question. Anyone who is always ready to speak without active listening lacks understanding. You need to speak in the language the other person understands because that's how to communicate and then understand.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.

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9 months ago
