Why do husbands treat their wives like trash?

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Hoola friends, special greetings to you readcashers. It's been long since I last posted here. I have been very busy with my education and life in general.

Yesterday while I was with a woman whom I hold as a community mother, she was complaining to me about the way her husband was treating her. Let me start from where it all began. We both went to the site where she is the supervisor supervising the construction of the company and the men at work there. There was an incident at the place where some rascals went to seize some packs of nails meant for the construction of the house. They claimed that they would not allow the workers to continue their work unless they pay for roofing they want to do which is absurb because they are not the ones going to do the job neither are they the ones that employed the workers. Rather they wanted to collect money because they are the youth of the community, so they were coming under the pretence of collecting the community fee that every land owner in that community must pay when laying their foundation and this said fee had been paid by the owner a long time ago. Anyways, we were able resolve the issue to ensure the workers continued their works without any disturbance.

After resolving the issue, we started heading back home. All the time she resolving the issue with them, I stayed behind in the car with her baby to look after him. The baby was very sick so I kind of babysitted him. On our way, she was frantically complaining about her husband and his attitude towards her and the children. She said her husband does not want her to have any money with her at all. She said her husband does not give her money at all even to buy sanitary pad. Her husband is a bank manager of a big branch and buys nice cars and clothes, he recently completed their new mansion and, according to the woman, the man is a big time womaniser.

That he is a womanizer isn't my problem, what sickens me is the fact that he can spend hundreds of thousands of naira on other girls and women outside yet he finds it extremely difficult to give his wife #5000 ($~8). And the worst of all is when his baby is critically sick and he doesn't show one iota of care nor will he go andpick up his children from school when his wife is trying to look after the sick baby and attend to her work at the same time but would rather go to a beer parlour to waste both his money and time doing absolutely rubbish.

I still don'tknow why some men do that to their wife, do you?

This is my first post in a long while, i have missed all my friends here. Hope you all are doing fine? I hope the recession doesn't reach your side? See you soon friends.

$ 0.00
