What is it that makes Christmas so loud and merry ?
Is it the fact that Christ was born on this day or maybe something else?. These questions have been popping through my mind for long.
I grew up to meet this big excitement and funfare which surrounded Christmas. Infact,it was always the biggest celebration of the year both for christians and non-christians. You could feel it from the fireworks being cracked all around the corners of the cities and suburbs.
For us kids then, what mattered most to us was the kind of Christmas clothes and shoes that was bought for us by Dad and Mom. Also, the kind of rice , chicken and drinks that would be eaten that day.
Then finally,going to the village for the New year celebration was the wrap up (just like dessert after a sumptuous meal)🤪
But after all these,I still wonder what makes Christmas so loud and merry. Is it that people are happy that Christ was born on this day or the festivities of the period?
Take this as a food for thought,I'll give you dessert later 🤪✌️
Merry Christmas!!!!