8 Truths about life

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3 years ago

Truth no. 1 Nobody is truth in this world except youre Mother.

Truth no. 2 A poor person has no friends.

Truth no. 3 People do not like good thoughts they like good looks.

Truth no. 4 People respect the money not the person.

Truth no. 5 The person you love the most,will hurt you the most.

Truth no .6 Truth is simple. But the moment you to explain. Its become difficult

Truth no.7 When you are happy you enjoy the music. But, when you are sad you understant the lyrics.

And last,

Truth no.8 In life two things define you. Youre patience when you have nothing and youre attitude when you have everything.

Life is short, we spend so much time sweating the small stuff, worrying,complaining,gossiping,comparing,wishing,wanting and waiting foe something bigger and better instead of focusing on all the simple blessing that surround us. Life is so fragile and all it takes is a single moment to change everything you take for granted. Focus on what important and always be gratefull. We are blessed.

Live youre life and leave no regrets. 😊🥰😇


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3 years ago
