Who Cares

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2 years ago

Today,1.2 billion people have access to the Internet. 1.4 billion people have access to mobile phones. And 4.9 billion people have regular access to a telephone.

Considering all the benefits technology has brought to mankind, it is astonishing that we had to wait so long for technology to develop to a point where it could connect us all on a grand scale.

From the perspective of a writer, this is a very interesting time because while we've been able to share thoughts and ideas with likeminded individuals locally since the beginning of civilization, it has never been easier to reach out beyond our immediate surroundings and share our message with the entire world. But it hurt we large portion of people show the attitude of who cares?

In just two decades, technology has gone from being an expensive novelty accessible only to wealthy nations and large corporations, it is now widely available and affordable enough that nearly anyone can find a way to put it to work for their career or business (provided they are willing to learn the skills necessary).

Lets use this moment in time as an opportunity to think about what we want to accomplish with this incredible power we have before us and lets do our part in making sure the future is one where technology brings us closer together, not tears us further apart.

Sometimes, we often care about those who dont care both in words and deeds. There are people who care about us but we dont care about tgem likewise there are people we care about who dont care about us. Life is a circle, what goes round comes around. So whatever you do comes back to you where you least expect. Who cares?

Result: The message is short, simple and straight to the point. As someone may think but who care? If you do care you will show you do someway somehow, even if it doesn't show to anyone, you know yourself. Do I care or do you? Who care.

If you see someone hurting, help them. If you see someone hungry, feed them. If you see someone in trouble, help them. If you see someone lost, guide them. If you see someone crying, wipe their tears away. If you see someone laughing, let them know that you are happy for them. Life is a circle; what goes around comes around. This is what it means to care.

Life is a circle, what goes round comes around. So whatever you do comes back to you where you least expect it. Who cares?

You hurt me yesterday, I forgive you today.

You tell me lies and I trust you tomorrow.

I am happy today because you are happy yesterday.

Whom do you care about, Who cares about you?

I love you, what do you say?

I forgive you because I love you but why do you hurt me?

Its not easy loving someone who doesnt love you,.

Its not hard loving someone who loves you but it hurts when that person hurts you.

Who cares? and who is there for me when I need him/her most?

Life is not all about being in love everyday.

It's about whom and what we care about when someone leaves or let's go..

We should not feel hatred but to feel hurt and forgive those who hurt us so that he/she will not feel guilty forever..

Who cares? no one ? let's change the world and start from us.

When we do or say things with or to others in mind, it is important to consider the effects of our actions and comments. There are people we care about who dont care about us while there are some people who care about us but we dont care the same way back on them. Who cares.

Sometimes, we often care about those who dont care both in words and deeds. There are people who care about us but we dont care about tgem likewise there are people we care about who dont care about us. Life is a circle, what goes round comes around. So whatever you do comes back to you where you least expect.

Who cares? That is the question and you are the answer. Some people care so much that they bother you with their worries and care so much that they hurt you not knowing they have already left you wounded with the cuts they made while they were away.

Who cares? The question sometimes shows a view of no one caring and you are the answer. The way you do determine what people will think of you. Some people care so much that they bother you with all manners of things and do care as much as you except. This hurt and make people conclude in their heart thinking of who care.

When people say "I love you", and yet, don't show it in their actions, what does that really mean? Are these just empty words, used to fill the silence when there's nothing more to say, or are those words just a substitute for what is really meant?

Who cares? As people let us learn to care for one another no matter all that is happening around us locally and globally. The way we react or respond towards things determines what other will think about us before they draw their conclusion whether we care or not. What ever you do today, remember that there is always a day called tomorrow.

If you don't care today who will care for you tomorrow and understand that no one knows how the day called tomorrow will be like. So, do care.



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2 years ago
