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2 years ago

Encourage - Encouragement is the foundation of every solid relationship in our lives. Everyone needs a support system; you'd also need love, companionship, and motivation to keep going. Encourage others and let them know you are there for them. There are few things which can be more meaningful than the encouragement of one person to another.

That's one of the reasons why I could use my real name on this platform I need to encourage someone. But anyway, because I believe a lot in you and also because I want to encourage you, I thought about giving you my real identity. Whatever you do today that looks small will eventually become big, if only you are consistent.

Encouragement originates from the root word of encourage. If you are in a position of influence, your encouragement will encourage others to take certain actions. If not, then you have no right to discouragement. I have seen many people discourage others to subject such people under them, or that they think they know better.

What is unappreciated by such people is that encouragement comes from a personal motive. If you are not helping someone you should not discourage that person period. You should encourage yourself and hang out with those who are going in your direction.

Encourage one another, and build each other up – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Encouraging those around you helps them feel better and gain a positive view of their self-worth. It is the worst feeling if people discourage you and demean your efforts.

Encouragement is constructive criticism or praise to help a person in need. It's a way of building up a person with the hope of bettering them. People often discourage others intending to make them feel bad and worthless so how? They present the case as if they are helping out but otherwise is the case. As I said earlier, you should encourage yourself and hang out with those who are going in your direction.

People that discourage others intentionally believe that they are doing themselves a big favour but do not know that they are robbing themselves of being valued by those they discouraged. I have often time encouraged myself from being discovered by anything, so as an individual we have responsibility for whatever comes out of us. So it is best to encourage oneself rather than look out for someone to do so for you.

The best part is that, instead of looking out for who to encourage you why not look out for who to encourage? When you encourage someone it works directly for you too. Hang around those who are soul lifters so that you can share your experiences and learn from one another.

I just wonder what people will get from discouraging others. Some people just enjoy it seeing others crawling and begging for their mercy. It just excites them, presenting themselves as the messiah to prove to the world they are better. Nevertheless, you should do your thing and let those you can't encourage get it elsewhere than discouraging them.

Even if it won't work, there is always a better one that will secure good results for them. So instead of discouraging them about what won't work, encourage them about what will and they will hold you in high esteem. You can only pull people up when you are above them but if you pull them down it's just because you are below them. So it is your choice.

To strengthen the spirit, increase courage and hope, give confidence and trust and inspire to be brave. Encouragement can come in different forms, from friends, family, mentors and even from inanimate objects of inspiration. In this digital age, we are so engrossed in our phones, laptops, computers and other devices that there is little time for encouragement.

Our lives are very busy trying to achieve goals at work, school and home. At times we miss out on encouragement and might need to remind others that we care. Encourage helps remind you of those who care about you, your life and your dreams.

Encouraged is one of several words in the English language that is used as both an adjective and a verb. An adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun. A verb is a word that describes an action. The word "encourage", when used as a noun, is any stimulus that gives support to an endeavour or person. Conversely, if the word "encourage" is used as a verb, then it means to urge on or stimulate greater efforts.

The word "encourage" traces its roots from the Latin term encouraging meaning: "to put courage into". After the Renaissance period and the Great Vowel Shift, the "e" moved from the middle of the word to its present location spelling-wise. Afterwards, the definition of the word evolved into its current usage, which in modern terms describes a stimulus or stimulus that gives support, especially moral support.

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Enough of this research on the word encourage, nevertheless encourage someone today and keep up at it.



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2 years ago


It's always good when we encourage each other cos by doing that, we are lifting each other from falls. And it's also a great feeling to have someone who can encourage one also.

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2 years ago