#02 Since You Pass Away

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2 years ago

#02 Since You Pass Away

To continue from where I stopped from my last article on this series;

Getting home that night after Church service, no one knew anything was wrong nor did my father die. Everyone saw me relate, as usual, no one suspected a thing and I was filled with excitement. Nevertheless, I was pained at the same time but I could hide it in my smiles and laughter. After the service, I said to myself He is gone.

What was going through my heart was "How I wish this and that" but he is gone already. I walked home pounding on his memories and the word I already received that he will leave us soon. I just couldn't explain any better what went wrong.

I can't remember how I slept off when I got home but to my surprise, I had a dream. I saw my father and me wanting to cross the road to the other side but he was limping as he walks so I tried to help him work properly but he refused. He said he could do it that he was not a baby as he use to say when he was alive each time I treat him like one🥰😍😁. And I asked him if I did well and hope I will also marry well then he said yes that I have nothing to lose rather I will enjoy all that God will give me. He went aside to urinate, I also joined but he was finished before I do then he started walking ahead which I couldn't catch up till I woke up.

I was amazed to see him in such a manner. It is well, it has been three and a few months since he passed away. However, this is one of my pass away stories to tell. No matter how long we live, we will all pass away someday while those that are left behind will tag us as pass away. Nevertheless, my prayer is none of us shall pass away untimely in Jesus Name. Amen. We shall live to fulfil purpose here on earth.

Other things had passed away in my life to date. I can remember my first day in junior secondary school, it was a great experience for me. My father took me there for enrollment, on our way he encouraged me to do well and aspire for the best in life. I can't forget those words, these words kept me going.

I met new friends and teachers who I find interesting to be around. This time had passed away but the memories still lie in my mind. It was a public school where we have many classes and students. I was in JS1F which consists of 105 students😱, I was like WHAT! But got no choice at the end of that class I ended in 29th position among others... When I got home, my uncle asked for my report card to challenge my position but he got surprised after seeing the students population. 🤐 I just walked into the room will pride😎.

In JS2F we were 89 students and when the session was over I ended in 10th position. I was the class entertainer, my friends and I were like band guys. We have a drummer - he drums using the desk, we a rapper, I was the vocalist and dancer and one other cheerleader. Other class members will come to watch and listen to us as we entertain the class when no teacher is around. All teachers stay in the staff room they only come to class if need be or they are called for. It was so fun, singing, dancing, playing, bullying around during school hours. The time had passed away, what a time to remember.

I was in JS3k when I had my first girlfriend 🙈, we were both shy about the relationship we share which was influenced by other peers. There was even a time when our French teacher used my class as her teaching assessment exercise which was invigilated by her superior. She ask questions in French which was one of her student strengths because I used to engage well in her class. I was like 🧐the class book warm but I still enjoyed being the class entertainer.

Life after junior secondary school opens me up to another lifestyle. When I got entrance into Senior secondary school I saw my JS classes as my past till now. But I still have contact with a few friends including my first girlfriend but we are just friends. They are only the past I still see and keep up physically. Many years past already, these are passed away and even since we are still here alive and hoping for the best to come. There is no better yesterday only if we can do the best we can today. Life still continues since you pass away.

To be continued...

#Peace ✌️


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2 years ago
