How Have Your Failures Shaped Your Life.

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3 years ago

Failure is inevitable in life. We may have failed at some points in our lives but we should not let our failure stop us from achieving our goals. We should learn from it and forge ahead. An example of someone who failed and never gave up is, Thomas Edison, inventor, and businessman failed 1000 times while inventing the light bulb. Among Edison's 1093 inventions, only 15 of his inventions changed the world. But, he and many others before and after him learned something new and valuable every time they failed.


Changes Your Mindset

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Most of us have the wrong mindset about failure. We think, once we have failed, it is the end. We should get rid of that kind of mindset. Failure should not be associated with defeat. Once we fail, we should learn from it and find another way to do what we've failed at rather than accept defeat. Failure is meant to bring us out of out comfort zone and challenges is to make great leap. We gain new perspective of the world around us. Failure is only a stepping stone to success. Winners win, not because they're special or they possess some super power but because they don't give up, they keep, striving to do things even after being faced with failure.

Failure has shaped all of our lives, from adolescence to adulthood, failure has been the ever-present, mad teacher in all things. If we always feared failure,we would be waking on eggshells and living a mediocre life. By learning from failure we can know our weakness and operate inside our zones of strength.


Failure is effective teaching tool. Teaching students that adults, who seem to be perfect, try and fail is important. But teaching the importance of failure is also about teaching perseverance. Challenge students. With the level of technology we have in our world today, students have all sorts of information at their fingertips. They can easily find answers to anything they want by just using Google. Give them questions that are nearly unanswerable. Challenge them to think creativity. Failure is essential in tge classroom because it teaches students dedication, critical thinking skills, expanding their minds beyond formulas and standardized thinking and makes them creative

Safety And Management

Giving students the tool to learn and be successful is important, so also is their safety and security. They should be monitored in order not to gain access to harmful and immoral content.

Lesson: failure presents us the opportunity to try again and do things better.

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3 years ago
