Live or leave your comfort zone

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3 years ago

Often times we hear people talking about comfort zone and why it is important to go outside of their comfort zone if they want to succeed in life.

 We hear it every now and then but many people don't seem to understand what it really means to leave  one's comfort zone

If you're staying in a particular area or  zone that you're too comfortable, nothing will ever move or challenge you to aspire for greater heights, you have to move away from that place in order to move higher in life; that is what they say. Motivational speakers

Most times when they say it, they make it look like the comfort zone is a bad place to be, they make it  look like nothing good can ever come out if you're in your comfort zone. I completely disagree with that

What works for mr A might not work for mr B, so no one should judge others based on what happened to them in their personal life because every individual has what works for them. 

If you move out of your comfort zone and succeed, it doesn't guarantee that another person must leave their own comfort zone in to make it in life

What matters most in life is knowing what sails your boat, what works for you. 

some people work efficiently when they're comfortable while others need harsh conditions to be at their best, whateber works for you should be your unique tool

        Chinedu Mbamalu

That's why it's important for one to know themself and live their life accordingly

So, know your comfort zone, leave your comfort zone or live in it. So what you have to do provided you get what you want

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