How you can earn with YouTube

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Avatar for Obalowoyusuf
4 years ago

1. How does the YouTube partner

program work?

Millions of YouTube channel owners are making a

decent amount of money every month across the world.

However, some requirements are needed for you to join

the YouTube partner program.

Some years back YouTube used only to require 10000

video views to get monetized, but since January 2018,

things got a little bit tough. You need 1000 subscribers

and 4000 Hours in watch time for the last 365 days or

one year.

Once you meet those two requirements, you can then

join the YouTube partner program and start making

money from the ads displayed on your videos.

2. Nine streams of income from


1. Advertising revenue :

This is the money you get from the display, overlay,

and video ads that show up on your published videos.

This one is the standard way to earn money from

youtube videos, and most creators tend to forget

implementing the other methods available for them.

Some of the requirements needed are to be at least 18

years old or to have a parent who is over 18 to help you

with the payment process. You also need to create

videos that meet the advertiser-friendly content


2. Channel memberships:

For this one, if you have a special offer to your

audience, then they can subscribe and pay a certain

amount of money every month. 18years old is required,

and your channel also needs to have at least 30000


3. Merchandise shelf :

If your channel has more than 10000 subscribers and

you're not underage, then you can start selling your own

branded merchandise just on your watch pages.

4. Super Chat and Super stickers

This one allows you to make money whenever you

highlight your fans' messages in chat streams. You must

be 18 years old, and the Super Chat needs to be

available in your country as well.

5. YouTube Premium Revenue :

When your fans subscribe for YouTube Premium, then

you start earning money every time they watch your

content. To maximize this stream of income, you need to

create videos targeting countries where most of their

population subscribe to the YouTube Premium (Ex:

USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and more).

6. Affiliate Marketing:

This method is prevalent in the online marketing world.

Especially Youtubers and Bloggers use it a lot. It is also

more profitable compared to the ways stated above.

Some influencers on Youtube don't even join the Youtube

Partner program; they prefer monetizing they channel

with the Affiliate Marketing method because of the

potential in the business model.

Here is how it works. All you need to do is to join any

affiliate program you want depending on your channel's

niche. Let's say, for example, on your channel; you do

product reviews.

What you'll do, you will join Amazon Associates( It's an

affiliate program for 99% of affiliate

programs are free to join! After entering the Amazon

Associates, you will get a unique affiliate link of any

product listed on

As you may already know, Amazon is selling almost

everything you can think of. It means you have a wide

variety of choices when it comes to promoting Amazon


Once you've decided on the product to promote and

have the unique link already, the next step will be to

place it in your video description.

Whenever someone clicks on the link, it will take him to

Amazon, and if the customer decides to purchase, you

will automatically get an affiliate commission.

And the good news is that you won't only get

commissions on the specific product you referred him

to, but you will get paid for all the things that he/she

may decide to buy at the time you sent him to the


Another good news is that even if the person doesn't buy

right away, you still have the chance to earn the

commissions. As long as they've gone to the platform

through your unique link, Amazon or any other platform

you're promoting will send cookies to the prospect's

computer or phone to recognize them when they come


For a platform like Amazon, if you're using a regular

link, the cookies may last for only 24 hours. But if you

decide to use a special link that takes the products

straight to the client's Amazon cart when they go

through your link, then the cookies last for 90 days.

It means that whenever this person buys something on

Amazon, within the three months, you will earn an

affiliate commission.

So, the time the cookies may last varies depending on

the platform you're promoting. But most of them last

even longer. That's why like 90% of YouTubers or

bloggers always tell you to check their video


It is because they are recommending a product or a

service that they are already using themselves. Or

products and services they trust in one way or another,

and they do make decent money just doing that.

For a platform like Amazon, if you're using a regular

link, the cookies may last for only 24 hours. But if you

decide to use a special link that takes the products

straight to the client's Amazon cart when they go

through your link, then the cookies last for 90 days.

It means that whenever this person buys something on

Amazon, within the three months, you will earn an

affiliate commission.

So, the time the cookies may last varies depending on

the platform you're promoting. But most of them last

even longer. That's why like 90% of YouTubers or

bloggers always tell you to check their video


It is because they are recommending a product or a

service that they are already using themselves. Or

products and services they trust in one way or another,

and they do make decent money just doing that.

7. Brand Deals:

This is another profitable way to make money from a

YouTube channel. Once your channel has a few

thousands of subscribers, companies and brands will

start reaching out to you.

They want you to mention their brand name at the

beginning of your video and add a link in the video

description that takes people to their platform.

Maybe you're wondering how much do they pay for

that. Well, it depends on how big is your channel! If you

have a lot of people who watch your content, it will

increase the money you charge.

If your audience comes from the 1st World countries

like the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and more... then

you will charge thousands of $ for one video deals.

But if most of the people who watch your stuff come

from the 3rd world counties, you won't be able to

charge more money; the companies and brands pay you

to reach your audience and the potential they see in your


If you want to make good money from the Brand Deals

option, then you will have to target people from those

wealthy counties when doing your videos or writing

your blog posts.

In case your channel is still on its growing stage without

hundreds of thousands of subscribers, then sometimes,

you will have to reach out to the brands.

If you go to platforms like or , you will get the opportunity to

connect with the companies that are looking for the right

audience to advertise their products and services.

The engagement and interest of your audience on the

specific video you made do count a lot, and this is the

only thing that will make the company always to want

to come to you.

At this stage, I hope you understand how important it is

to build a stable connection with your Youtube audience

as a creator . It opens even more doors, and here is what

you can do to achieve the target!

1. Be sure only to publish videos that you believe your

audience will learn something valuable or solve a

specific problem in the video.

2. After posting your video, do some follow-ups by

paying close attention to your audience's reaction upon

the video, answer every comment, especially during the

first days of uploading the video.

Your audience will be more than happy to see that you

do care about their thought as their favorite YouTuber,

and from then, they will be taking action on your


If you keep doing it, after some months, you'll find

yourself with a very stable audience, which is an

incredible asset you can have.

3. Be sure to upload your videos consistently. If you

post three videos this week and wait for 6 months to

upload another video, that will only kill your channel

because people will forget you.

As you may already know, in most of the niches, the

competition is high. So, if you're not consistent in your

uploadings, remember your followers got a chance to

look for someone else who's making similar content.

So, please do not give them the chance to give up on

you. Even if it's one video per month, be sure the one

high-quality video is always available on time. That

way, they will know that you only upload once per

month. You can even say it in your introduction or on

your youtube channel arts.

For those who have a little bit of time, I highly

recommend uploading at least one video per week, and

so many studies have proved that it is the least you can

upload and still have a great looking channel.

The last thing that I can tell you about Brand Deals is

that you can implement the same techniques on other

platforms like Instagram and make good money from

Brand Deals. The number one requirement is to have an

audience that trusts you as a creator!

8. Merch-Products :

This one is straightforward. Brands and companies give

you products for free, and then in return, you post a

video on your channel talking about the product. You

may choose to sell them or keep them if you like.

You can get Merch-Products from the two platforms

I've shared with you in the seventh stream of income

above, and you can use like all the tips and strategies

shared as the two methods are a bit similar.

9. Crowdfunding:

If you have a brand new project, you can invite your

audience to fund the project. Many YouTubers use this

method, especially those with thousands of subscribers.

3. Eight Main factors that play a

vital role when it comes to getting

more money from Google

AdSense revenue

CPM. CPM stands for Cost Per Mille.

CPM is the estimated money you make for every one

thousand playbacks on which an ad was shown. Let's

say an advertiser was charged $10 CPM; for every

1000 playbacks, you will get $5.5 which means,

Youtube takes 45% of the money, and you remain with

55% of what the advertisers pay.

Below are the main factors that determine the CPM of a

YouTube Channel:

a. your Youtube Niche

Your CPM will mainly depend on your niche. Some

niches have low CPM up to $2 or less, while others

have high CPM $10 or even more. That's why it is more

than essential to do enough research before deciding on

your channel's niche.

b. The language

The language also contributes a lot to how much your

CPM is going to be because advertisers set the language

they want the viewers to speak. It means the language

of your videos matters a lot.

c. The keywords

Google adsense Advertisers are willing to pay a lot of

money, depending on what your video is talking about.

Example: Video A is a random video where people are

just having fun and Video B is a step by step tutorial on

how to make money online through affiliate marketing.

Video B will get a very high CPM compared to video A

because it is talking about something specific, and more

advertisers are likely to bid on that one. The more

many advertisers are willing to advertise on your video,

the more the video's CPM gets higher. That's why on

your channel, every video will have its own CPM

depending on what you'll be talking about in the specific


d. The physical location of your YouTube viewers

The location of your viewers plays a vital role in the

video's CPM. For videos that have more views from

countries where the purchasing power is very high, you

will realize that the video's CPM is hugely high. That's

why a channel may only have 2000 subscribers and

make more money than a channel with 20.000


e. The number of ads displayed on your videos:

If you want to earn more money from ads revenue, then

you need to consider making videos longer than 10

minutes. As I stated in my introduction, videos with less

than 10 min do not give you the option to place more

ads' spaces along with your video. You will only have

ads at the beginning of the video and the end of it.

Contrary to the short ones, videos with 10 minutes or

longer allows you to place many ads' spaces manually,

and this will dramatically increase your ad revenue. If

you try to analyze, you will realize that most of the

YouTubers that make money from the YouTube Partner

Program make longer videos most of the time.

f. Promoting your old content within your actual video:

This is another brave strategy to make more money

from ads revenue. YouTube provides a couple of ways

to encourage viewers to watch some of your older


f.1. Add Cards In Your Videos:

This is a fantastic Youtube feature that allows you to

showcase your previously made videos, your playlists,

channels, and more. You can place it wherever you

want, along with your video.

Keywords play an essential role in increasing your

video's CPM. Google Awards match advertisers'

keywords and your video's keywords.

So if you happen not to add keywords on your video,

Google Adwords won't be able to classify your video's

category. Therefore, your video is going only to get a

few advertisements displayed on it.

*Made for kids: Since January 2020, Youtube made

some changes where every creator is required to

specify whether their videos are made for kids or if

they aren't made for kids.

So, as you can see on the screenshot above, there is an


to select the videos on a channel level or video level.

If videos are specifically made for kids, ads will be

limited, and some features like the comment section

won't be available for the specific video.

If you fail to classify your video as made for kids

while it is, you may end up paying a big fine by


I hope you can quickly see how this can severely impact

your ad revenue if you don't pay it much attention.

4. How to properly set up a

Google AdSense account for


After placing the ads in your videos, your channel will

start generating some money passively, which is a

fantastic source of income.

And then, when you reach a minimum of $10 in your

Google Adsense account, Google will automatically

send you a PIN code to the address you've written when

setting up your Google Adsense account.

That's why you should write your address the right

way; otherwise, you won't be able to receive the PIN,

and without it, you may end up not being able to

withdraw your earnings.

Verifying your physical address is the first step you

need to take before you even think of adding your

payment method.

Verifying a Google Adsense account is a bit challenging,

especially for those who come from the 3rd tier

countries. But since you're reading this article, you're

safe as I am going to break down the whole process,

from how to properly set up the account, to an

alternative option in case you happen not to receive the

PIN at all.

When things do wrong, some people start looking for a

way to change their country or account type in their

Google Adsense account, but I want you to know that

it's impossible to change your country or account type.

You may choose to get paid by check or a local bank

account that you own. Google will send you a small

amount of money to verify it's your account.

After receiving the little $ in your account, you'll add in

your Adsense account precisely the amount you've

received in your bank account. After that, you will be

withdrawing money without any problem or question


In case you don't own a local bank account, there is a

Western Union option, and you can quickly withdraw

your money at any nearest branch around you.

If it's a large amount of money, you will need to sprit it

into multiple payments as you can't send it at once.

Another thing you should know is that the recipient's

name is independent of the name on the payment


It means, in case you haven't written your first and last

name the way it is on your national issued ID, the

Western Union agent won't give you the money because

they will think you're trying to withdraw from someone

else's account.

That's why you need to be careful when setting up your

Google Adsense account to avoid issues that may show

up later.

You should also be aware that if you finish four good

months without being able to verify your Google

Adsense account, Ads will automatically stop appearing

on your videos. Which means you won't be making any

money from your youtube videos.

Google pays once per month, and the threshold is $100.

If you earn less than that, Google will add your amount

made to your next payment.

Thanks a lot for reading to the end. I do not doubt that

you've learned tons of information from the article, and

if you know somebody who needs it as well, be sure to

share with him/her.

In case you have a question, or maybe you got

something to share with others, leave them in the

comment section below, I'll be happy to hear from you,

and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

$ 0.00
Avatar for Obalowoyusuf
4 years ago


Its too loong to reas. I almost lost reading thia article haha. But a very importnt one for every youtuber

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It is useful for those who like YouTube as a source of income. But I think we are now seeing competitions in that industry with the entrances of new video streaming websites.

$ 0.00
4 years ago