جواز حضور المرأة لمجالس العلم..لكن بشروط.
س: هل يجوز للمرأة المسلمة ان تحضر مجالس العلم والدروس الفقهية في المساجد؟
ج: نعم؛ يجوز للمرأة ان تحضر مجالس العلم- سواء كان فقها حكميا ، او فقها متصلا بالعقيدة والتوحيد- بشرط ألا تكون متطيبة ولامتبرجة، ولابد أن تكون بعيدة عن الرجال غير مختلطة بهم؛ لأن رسول الله - صلي الله عليه وسلم- قال: " خير صفوف النساء آخرها، وشرها أولها" .... وذلك لأن أولها أقرب إلي الرجال من آخرها، فصار آخرها خيرا من أولها.
1.الشيخ ابن عثيمين- كتاب الدعوة(٥)، ( ٢/١٢٩) 2.الفتاوي الشرعية في المساءل العصرية من فتاوي علماء البلد الحرام فتوي (١٢٢) ، ( ص: ١٩٤٨)
د. خالد بن عبدالرحمان الجريسي.
Conditional Permissibility of the Presence of Women in the Gatherings of Knowledge.
Question: Is it permissible for a Muslim Woman to attend the gatherings of Knowledge, and Jurisprudential Classes in the Mosques?
Answer: Yes, it is permissible for women to attend the gatherings of Knowledge- be it a legal jurisprudence or a jurisprudence that is related to Islamic Creed cum Monotheism- with the condition that; she does not put on perfumes, she does not expose her beauty, and she must be far-away from men, and she must not mix with them. These conditions are in line with the statement of the Messenger of Allah-May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him- : " The best of female rows is the last, and the worst is the first." The reason being that, the first row is nearer to the last row of men, therefore, the last row of women becomes better than its first.
1• The Book of Da'wah by Ashek Ibn Uthaymeen, volume 2 page 129.
2• Islamic Legal Opinions on Contemporary Issues from the Scholars of the Sanctuary Land, gathered by Dr. Khalid bn Abdirahman Aljuraisy; page (1948).
For women to attend Classes of Knowledge and Gatherings of Acquisition of the Understanding of Alkitaab and Sunnah in Islam, these conditions must be observed:
A• No usage of perfumes as it calls attentions of other men to her and by such she is indirectly indulging in formication and receiving the curse of Allah and His angels.
B• Usage of Hijab as basic or any garment that will cover all her body in a very decent way. The two palms and face are permissible to be opened by some Islamic schools of thought but using Hijaab that enclove the entire body is the best.
C• Women must be with women. A female learning in the mosque should mingle with women even if the teacher is a Man; such as an Imaam and or a Sound Islamic scholar.
D• Independent Detachment of Women from Men. Supposing the Husband or Guardians of some women who are attendants of these classes come with their women, they should find some places like the restaurants in the mosque to hang around for the reason that, some women do not come with their husbands and guardians. Therefore, the Islamic guideline of not gazing at strange women must be observed.
E• The contemporary Gatherings of Assalatu (مجالس الصلاة علي النبي) should be changed to (مجالس العلم والدروس الفقهية) (Gatherings of Knowledge and Jurisprudential Classes). This is because, in the Gatherings of Assalatu, preference is always given to the dictates of their proprietors in terms of the Adhkaar to be chanted. Secondly, people extort money and other material things from women. Thirdly and mostly, the conditions above are not particularly observed.
Next to that, most women who are devotees in such Assalatu Gatherings do not acquire appropriate knowledge of Islam even after long time of their attendance. Furthermore, it creates unnecessary competitions, disunity; and envy amidst the members due to the fact that , during donations (جمع التبرعات), women will publicly expend money and materials to overwhelm their folks and show off.
Less I forget, in Nigeria for example, there are dancing displays by both married and unmarried women who are attendants of Assalatu Gatherings in the presence of their founders and other men who are present and which automatically blocks the way to ( غض البصر) lowering of gaze, dimensionally erases practical decency ( العفة والعفاف والإستعفاف) which Islam calls us to. There is no way, women engage in dancing displays that men in general would not see their adornments and they ( men) will be attracted to both married and unmarried women among them. Tell me, how can one lower their gaze and be decent when the adornments of women are freely and carelessly displayed in so-called Assalatu Gatherings?! We are not angels and even some of the companions who were contemporaries of Prophet Muhammad-صلي الله عليه وسلم- were only warned and guided by the Prophet when adornments of women attracted their repeated glances at them (i.e.women) . Islamic History reminds me of the Guiding Statement of Prophet Muhammad- صلي الله عليه وسلم- to Ali bn Abi Taalib: " يا علي، لا تتبع النظرة النظرة فان لك الأولي ، وليست لك الآخرة." رواه الترمذي
" Oh Ali, do not allow the first coincident eye glance be followed by a( deliberate) eye glance ( at strange women), because the former is forgiven and the latter is not forgiven. " Documented by Al-Tirmizy, Hadith 2701.
F• In Nigeria and beyond, those who are Adamant Supporters of Assalatu Gatherings claim that, these gatherings help to save our Muslim Daughters, Sisters and Mothers from the traps of Christian Missionary Soft Targets and Atheism of Traditional People . Yes, you are both right and wrong at the same.
You are right because you want all our Muslim females to be in the fold of Islam and you are wrong by using methods not prescribed by Islam. You want to teach Islam by your innovated supplications like the Tahhajud ( Night Vigils ) of Thursdays and other odd days of the week you selected. You want to call them to Allah by only focusing on Ibadah( acts of worship) without basing your beginning on Islamic Monotheism. You are wrong because, women during the life-time of Prophet Muhammad- صلي الله عليه وسلم - were surrounded by Stunt Kuffaar (Disbelievers), Christians and Jews, still many women like Aishah -رضي الله تعالي عنها- became renowned scholars of Islam under the tutelage of the Prophet. You are wrong as a result of the fact that, your 95% concentration is on spiritual uplifment of women whereas what you are doing can be classified as Da'wah because of your intention not because of your methods and standards. Remember that, Da'wah must be founded with authentic knowledge of Taowheed( Islamic Monotheism), Fiqh ( Islamic Jurisprudence) , Muhaamalah ( Relationship with Living and Non-Living Things), and expanded to teaching of Arabic Language, Tajweed and Qur'an with Evidential Sunnah to those who wish to acquire additional knowledge.
Intellectual Know-how+ Just Application of Intellects+ Strong Spirituality+ Moderate Understanding of life= Moderate Muslims and Muslimahs and not vice versa.
عن ابي الدرداء قال: قال رسول الله - صلي الله عليه وسلم - : " فضل العالم علي العابد كفضل القمر ليلة البدر علي ساءر الكواكب. " رواه ابو داود
Reported Abu Dardaiy, that the Messenger of Allah-may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him- said: The excellent superiority of a knowledgeable person over a worshiper is like the excellent superiority of the Moon of the Fourteenth Day of Lunar Month over all other stars ." Documented by Al-Tirmizy, Hadith 3641.
Beyond this view, a knowledgeable worshiper of Allah has double excellent superiorities over ignorant worshiper of Allah and not vice versa.
For these and other emerging facts and figures, let us revisit our present Methods and Standards of Da'wah with the Measuring Nomenclatures of Alkitaab and Sunnah, so that our contemporaries will have excellent examples to imitate from us and the growing generations ( which encompass both of our children and grandchildren) will not later expose our ignorance and deviations to the world around them. By so doing, our long time efforts and lifetime contributions to Islam that are not based on Sound Knowledge can easily be preys to efforts in futility by objective criticism of our own blood.
Every word and sentence of this commentary that are in line with Alkitaab and Sunnah are as a result of the guidance of Allah while the opposite - if found- is from Shaytan; the accursed.
سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك اشهد أن لاإله الاأنت، أستغفرك وأتوب إليك.